1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

onfsspacommon v1.0.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago



nodejs yarn


We use artifactory for our npm packages, to set your local registry, do the following:

yarn config set registry https://onfsprd.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/npm/pcm-npm/ yarn login

Install as a dependency to a react app

yarn add git+ssh://git@altssh.bitbucket.org:443/onfs/spacommon.git#master

Get the latest version of the package or upgrade an app that already uses onfsspacommon

yarn upgrade onfsspacommon

About this repo

The folder ./src, is where all of the shared code lives for this repository. When a user includes this repository as a dependency in their react project, this is the code that gets pulled in.

The folder ./example, is where the examples for the code live. This is a dummy react application that servers as documentation for onfs developers! Please updated this example application with any changes to this repo in order to keep things organized.

View documentation/examples for this component library (git bash)

  • (Optional: This step makes code changes in ./src hot reload for the example application) In the root of the repository, run yarn start

    This technique is especially useful during development in this repo.

  • To spin up the example application run cd example && yarn start

  • Wait for the application to appear in your browser or go to localhost:3000