0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

oopsy-data v0.1.0

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Last release
8 years ago


This package is designed to help you provide context for source code error messages.

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Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


fromIndices(code, indices, options)

fromLocations(code, locations, options)

There are two functions, fromIndices, and fromLocations. Both of them take the source code text as a string for the first parameter. The second parameter is either a list of string indices (e.g. [{index: 0}, {index: 5}) or a list of {line, column} objects (e.g. [{line: 1, column: 3}, {line: 3, column: 89}]).

If the objects you pass have a property data, that will be passed along in the return values.

They both accept an optional third parameter which is an options object. The only key for the options object is color, which can have the values true or false. This controls using the chalk library to colorize output.

NOTE: The library considers both LF (Linux/OS X) and CRLF (Windows)

Example: No color, using indices:

var OopsyData = require("oopsy-data");
var code =
    "hello world\n" +
    "this is me and cool\n" +
    "nice nice nice\n";
var indices = [
    {index: 0},
    {index: 2},
    {index: 13}
var data = OopsyData.fromIndices(code, indices);
data.forEach(function(d) {
    console.log("Line:", d.line, "Column:", d.column);

Example: Color, using locations:

var OopsyData = require("oopsy-data");
var code =
    "hello world\n" +
    "this is me and cool\n" +
    "nice nice nice\n";
var indices = [
    {line: 1, column: 1},
    {line: 2, column: 7},
    {line: 3, column: 10}
var data = OopsyData.fromLocations(code, locations, {color: true});
data.forEach(function(d) {
    console.log("Line:", d.line, "Column:", d.column);