3.0.3 • Published 2 years ago

open-weather-search v3.0.3

Weekly downloads
Last release
2 years ago


npm i -s luwus

Your api key you can get here: https://openweathermap.org/api


getWeatherCanvasreturns the buffer of image with weather of the every city you want (code example 1)
getWeatherObjectreturns the object with weather of the every city you want (code example 2)

Code examples:

Code example 1:

const { getWeatherCanvas } = require('luwus')

getWeatherCanvas(`city, cuntry`, 'bg url', 'lang', 'your api key').then((res) => {

Code example 2:

const { getWeatherObject } = require('luwus')

getWeatherObject(`city, country`, 'your api key').then((res) => {

Simple discord bot example:

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client({
	intents: ['Guilds', 'GuildVoiceStates', 'GuildMessages'],
const config = {
	prefix: '<prefix>',
	token: '<token>',

client.on('ready', client => {
	console.log(`I am ready to work!`);

client.on('messageCreate', message => {
   if(message.author.bot) return
   const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
   const command = args.shift();

   if(command === "weather"){
     getWeatherInCityWithCanvas(`${args}`, '<bg url>', 'eng', '<api key>').then((res) => {
               files: [res]
           }).catch((error) => { message.reply(res) })



Return examples

Return example 1:

<Buffer 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 03 84 00 00 01 c2 08 06 00 00 00 b7 d0 07 63 00 00 00 01 73 52 47 42 00 ae ce1c e9 00 00 00 04 ... 123423 more bytes>

Return example 2:

  name: 'Moscow',
  temp: { Kelvin: 284.2, Celsius: 11.1, Fahrenheit: 52 },
  temp_min: { Kelvin: 282.29, Celsius: 9.1, Fahrenheit: 48.5 },
  temp_max: { Kelvin: 285.5, Celsius: 12.4, Fahrenheit: 54.2 },
  sea_level: 1019,
  grnd_level: 1001,
  feels_like: { Kelvin: 283, Celsius: 9.9, Fahrenheit: 49.7 },
  visibility: 10000,
  clouds: 100,
  country: 'RU',
  sunrise: 1662864792,
  sunset: 1662911980,
  coord: { lon: 37.6156, lat: 55.7522 },
  main: { main: 'Clouds', description: 'overcast clouds' },
  wind: { speed: 1.42, deg: 206, gust: 2.61 }

Lib using:

Your api key you can get here