1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

opensans-webkit v1.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago

Google Open Sans - Web Font Kit

This project contains tools for integrating Google Open Sans fonts in a web environment.


This package can be deployed automatically using npm:

$ npm i opensans-webkit

Usage (CSS)

CSS files are located in the src/css/ directory:

  • src/css/open-sans.css - file with no optimization for production environments;
  • src/css/open-sans.min.css - file optimized for production environments.

Font files are located in the fonts/ directory.

Usage (SASS)

SASS files are located in the src/sass/ directory:

  • src/sass/_mixins.scss - mixins;
  • src/sass/_variables.scss - variables;
  • src/sass/open-sans.scss - main file.

Font files are located in the fonts/ directory.

You can change the default fonts path by overriding $opensans-path:

$opensans-path: '/your/custom/path/';

To include Google Open Sans fonts in your SASS project, just add:

# set your custom path for fonts
$opensans-path '/your/custom/path/';

# include fonts from
@import 'open-sans.scss';

Optionally, the default font weights can be customized by overriding the following variables:

# with default values
$opensans-weight-extrabold: 800;
$opensans-weight-bold: 700;
$opensans-weight-semibold: 600;
$opensans-weight-normal: 400;
$opensans-weight-light: 300;

Compile SASS to CSS

CSS files in the src/css/ directory are generated from SASS files using:

# compile for development and production environment
$ npm run compile

# compile for development environment
$ npm run compile:development

# compile for production environment (minify)
$ npm run compile:production

Font Formats

In addition to the local directive, the fonts are available in WOFF and WOFF2 formats.

Since the version 1.1.0 of this package, TTF fonts are no longer available. All recent browsers now support the WOFF format (Browser Support for Font Formats).


The source code is released under the Apache 2.0 license. For more information, see the LICENSE file.