1.1.2 • Published 5 years ago
opentelemetry-plugin-gdpr v1.1.2
Opentelemetry - GDPR Plugin
This packages allows to quickly add GDPR Info to spans. Currently implemented as a Proof of Concept for Express Servers.
In one line
Add this at the start of your app:
// 1. Import this package
import { tracingFullConfiguration, OpenTelemetryGdprPluginConfiguration } from 'opentelemetry-plugin-gdpr';
// 2. Configure some base information (or add them via Environment Variables, see below)
const CONFIG: OpenTelemetryGdprPluginConfiguration = {
serviceName: 'Example Service',
location: 'Europe',
baseTTL: 0,
baseLegalBasis: 'Contractual',
baseLegitimateInterest: '',
baseAutomatedDecisionMaking: false,
basePurpose: 'Webserver for providing our WebApp',
// Load Opentelemetry with our Plugin pre-configured
All http requests made are automatically traced and the base information are attached. In order to assign specific information to a request Header can be used as a fast an easy way, for example:
headers: {
// For a list of headers see below
'gdpr.ttl': '0',
purpose: 'Showing our example',
(res) => {
They will override the base information for this request.
GDPR Information
You can use the follwing environment variables or header attributes to provide the GDPR information. Overwriting each other as follwing:
- Header Attributes
- Environment Variables
- Code Configuration
Header Attrbiute | Environment Variable | Code Configuration Property | Description |
--- | GDPR_LOCATION | location | |
gdpr.ttl | GDPR_TTL | baseTTL | |
gdpr.legalBasis | GDPR_LEGALBASIS | baseLegalBasis | |
gdpr.legitimateInterest | GDPR_LEGITIMATEINTEREST | baseLegitimateInterest | |
gdpr.automatedDecisionMaking | GDPR_AUTOMATEDDECISIONMAKING | baseAutomatedDecisionMaking | |
gdpr.purpose | GDPR_PURPOSE | basePurpose |
More Configuration Options
- Integrate with existing OpenTelemetry Configurations. Add it to the plugins sections
const provider = new NodeTracerProvider({
plugins: {
http: {
enabled: true,
path: '@opentelemetry/plugin-http',
// Add our plugin to the http-plugin
...GdprHttpPluginCustomAttributesFunction(configuration, (span, request, response) => {}),