0.0.6 • Published 7 years ago

openwhisk-action-manager v0.0.6

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Last release
7 years ago


This node app is a command line utility to manage the deployment of an Apache OpenWhisk package and its actions. Some of the features are listed below:

  • Creates OpenWhisk packages on deployment if not present
  • Creates OpenWhisk actions on deployment if not present
  • Checks if an update of an action is required due to code changes
  • Deletes old actions (e.g. after renaming an action)
  • Before creation/ update of an action it:
    • Executes npm install for each action
    • Packages the action as ZIP archive
    • Uploads the action to OpenWhisk
  • Like the OpenWhisk CLI openwhisk-action-manager reads its OpenWhisk configuration from ~/.wskprops

Note: As of now openwhisk-action-manager only supports Node actions. Help is welcome to extend openwhist-action-manager :)

How To use

To use openwhisk-action-manager, all actions of a package need to be placed in a separate directory. E.g.:

└ my-openwhisk-package
  ├ my-first-action
  │ ├ index.js
  │ └ package.json  
  ├ my-second-action
  │ ├ index.js
  │ ├ index.test.js
  │ └ package.json
  └ package.json

Install openwhisk-action-manager:

npm install --save-dev openwhisk-action-manager

Add a deploy script task to your root package.json (my-openwhisk-package/package.json in the example above):

  "scripts": {
    "deploy": "openwhisk-action-manager"

Finally you can run npm run deploy or ./node_modules/bin/openwhisk-action-manager to deploy your actions to openwhisk at once. If you already uploaded an action with openwhisk-action-manager and have no changes made to your action it will ot be updated.


CLI arguments

Usage: openwhisk-action-manager [options]


  -V, --version             output the version number
  -d, --dir <directory>     The root directory of the actions to be deployed. Defaults to '.' (current directory)
  --ow-apihost <hostname>   The OpenWhisk API hostname. Overrides ${__OW_API_HOST} and settings from ~/.wskprops.
  --ow-apikey <apikey>      The OpenWhisk API key. Overrides ${__OW_API_KEY} and settings from ~/.wskprops.
  --ow-apitoken <apitoken>  The OpenWhisk API authorization token. Overrides ${__OW_APIGW_KEY} and settings from ~/.wskprops.
  -h, --help                output usage information

Configuration files

Additionaly packages and actions can have JSON files for further configuration.

Note: By design all the values which can be configured via configuration files cannot be overriden by command line arguments to force the usage of files sitting in the version control system.

Package configuration

A package directory may include a file openwhisk.package.json. This file can define the package name (default is the name of the directory) and other parameters sent to the OpenWhisk REST API when the package is created.


  "name": "any-package-name",
  "publish": true

Action configuration

An action directory may include a file openwhisk.action.json. This file can define the action name (default is the name of the directory) and other parameters sent to the OpenWhisk REST API when the package is created/ updated.


  "name": "any-action-name",
  "parameters": [
      "key": "foo",
      "value": "bar"

Other common configuration

Additional configuration can be placed in the root package.json. E.g.:

  "devDependencies": {
    "openwhisk-action-manager": "0.0.4"
  "openwhisk": {
    "action_excludes": ["_template", "node_modules"],
    "action_md5sum_excludes": ["node_modules/**", "*test.js","test/**"],
    "action_zip_excludes": ["*test.js","test/**"]

The following values can be configured within package.json:

  • action_excludes - An array of patterns to exclude directories within your root directory when creating the actions. Default: ["_template"]
  • action_md5sum_excludes - An array of patterns to exclude files when calculating the md5sum of the action. The md5sum is used to detect changes within your action. Default: ["node_modules/**", "*test.js","test/**"]
  • action_zip_excludes - An array of patterns to exclude files when creating the action ZIP file. Default: ["*test.js","test/**"]

The pattern matching is based on minimatch. See documentation for usage.