1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

openwhyd-api-client v1.0.0

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6 years ago

Openwhyd API Client

A simple Node.js API client for Openwhyd.org.

Your can use it to:

  • initiate a cookie-based Openwhyd user session, given their email address and password;
  • make authenticated calls to Openwhyd's API endpoints;
  • end the user session.


  1. Install the npm dependency to your Node.js project:
$ npm install openwhyd-api-client
  1. Use it to make API calls:
const OpenwhydAPI = require("openwhyd-api-client");

const creds = {
  email: "me@email.com", // email address or user handle of your openwhyd account
  md5: "6af652b33ce6a86ecf025b0da8ca8d24" // md5 hash of your openwhyd password

const openwhydAPI = new OpenwhydAPI();

openwhydAPI.login(creds.email, creds.md5, function (err, res) {
    openwhydAPI.get("/api/user", {}, function (err, user) {
        console.log("=> user name:", user.name);


The class exported from the package provides the following methods:

  • login (email, md5, callback)
  • get (path, params, callback)
  • logout (callback)

All callback functions are called with (err, res) as parameters.

Each instance of the class holds the cookie that identifies the user session initiated with that instance.