0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

openzeppelin-network-test v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago


CircleCI npm (scoped)

One line access to Web3 in your dApp.

  • Hides various Web3 providers behind common API.
  • One line access to the Web3 providers (Metamask, Infura, Geth, Portis and etc).
  • Supports multiple Web3 providers within the same app.
  • First class support of meta-txs.
  • React integration using hooks.
  • Network, accounts, and connection changed events for all web3 providers.
  • Will fire events even for HTTP and forcefully terminated providers.



npm install @openzeppelin/network


With React Hooks

Import the library:

import { useWeb3Injected, useWeb3Network, useEphemeralKey } from '@openzeppelin/network/react';

Get Web3Context with React Hooks inside functional component:

const injected = useWeb3Injected();
const local = useWeb3Network('');

Use Web3Context to get fresh data:

const { accounts, networkId, networkName, providerName, lib, connected } = web3Context;

Network.js will re-render component when network, accounts or connetion state change.

To use GSN with any hook specify GSN as an option, providing a signing key:

const local = useWeb3Network('', {
  gsn: { signKey: useEphemeralKey() }

With Vanilla Javascript

Import the library:

import { fromInjected, fromConnection } from '@openzeppelin/network';

Get Web3Context:

const injected = await fromInjected();
const local = await fromConnection('');

To use GSN include a gsn option, including a signing key:

const local = await fromConnection('', {
  gsn: { signKey: ephemeral() }

Use Web3Context to get fresh data immediately:

const { accounts, networkId, networkName, providerName, lib, connected } = web3Context;

Subscribe to events to get notified:

function updateNetwork(networkId, networkName) {}
function updateAccounts(accounts) {}
function updateConnection(connected) {}

web3Context.on(Web3Context.NetworkIdChangedEventName, updateNetwork);
web3Context.on(Web3Context.AccountsChangedEventName, updateAccounts);
web3Context.on(Web3Context.ConnectionChangedEventName, updateConnection);

Unsubscribe from events once you don't need them:

web3Context.off(Web3Context.NetworkIdChangedEventName, updateNetwork);
web3Context.off(Web3Context.AccountsChangedEventName, updateAccounts);
web3Context.off(Web3Context.ConnectionChangedEventName, updateConnection);

Learn More

  • Try it out on the GSN Starter Kit: run npx @openzeppelin/cli unpack gsn in a new directory and follow the instructions.
  • For detailed usage information, take a look at the API Reference.


Released under the MIT License.