1.3.0 • Published 8 years ago

org-checks v1.3.0

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Last release
8 years ago

node-org-checks stability


Organization monitoring and reporting to ensure standards are in place for every aspect of an organization.


 ┌──────┐    ┌──────┐   ┌──────┐
 │check │    │assert│   │verify│
 │creden│    │tests │   │ org  │
 │tials │    │exist │   │ 2FA  │
 └──────┘    └──────┘   └──────┘
     │           │          │
     ┌─────▼────────┐    ┌─────┐
     │    device    ◀ ─ ─│creds│
     └──────────────┘    └─────┘
     │           │          │
 ┌───▼──┐    ┌───▼──┐   ┌───▼──┐
 │ hip- │    │      │   │      │
 │ chat │    │ xml  │   │stdout│
 │      │    │      │   │      │
 └──────┘    └──────┘   └──────┘


credentials(organization, opts)

Check existance of AWS_KEY, .pem, id_rsa and .key files. Opts has the following fields:

  • user: GitHub user (required)
  • token: GitHub OpenAuth token (required)

stale(organization, auth, opts?)

Check for stale repositories. By default projects are considered stale after 6 months of no updates. Opts has the following fields:

  • offset: offset in months before a project is considered stale. Defaults to 6



Report to stdout. If opts.summary=true it will report a summary only.


Report a summary to HipChat. Opts has the following fields:

  • token: HipChat authentication token
  • room: room id to report to


Report a summary in xunit xml. Useful to integrate with CI solutions. Unlike other reporters, this will be reported as pass / fail. Opts has the following fields:

  • output: path to write to. Writes to process.stdout by default
  • fail: determine if errors should be reported. Defaults to true


Transforms output into a stream of csv. Can either write to stdout or a file. opts has the following fields:

  • output: path to write to. Writes to process.stdout by default


$ git clone https://github.com/TabDigital/org-checks


const checkCredentials = require('org-checks/input/credentials')
const toHipchat = require('org-checks/output/hipchat')
const toHtml = require('org-checks/output/html')
const orgChecks = require('org-checks/device')

const hipchatAuth = { room: '208899', token: '<token>' }
const ghAuth = { username: 'foobar', token: '<token>' }
const org = 'tabDigital'

const output = [ toHipchat(hipchatAuth), toHtml('/tmp/org-status.html') ]
const input = [ checkCredentials(org, ghAuth) ]
orgChecks(input, output)

Device format

Each input should return data in the following format to the device:

{ "name": "credentials:aws-keys", "type": "error", "data": "https://binbaz.com" }
{ "name": "credentials:.pem", "type": "error", "data": "https://foobar.com" }
{ "name": "credentials:aws-keys", "type": "summary", "data": { "total": 40, "pass": 24, "fail": 16 } }

There are 2 types that can be returned:

  • error: an error has occured, a string is included to point to the corresponding error.
  • summary: a test has finished running and has a total, pass and fail count. Useful for short form reporters. If there is no total count (e.g. cannot be expressed as a percentage), only the fail key should be included.

The name key can be namespaced using : to distinguish between topics and sub topics. This distinction is useful for output formatters to control the amount of detail to display.
