2.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

organic-stack-upgrade v2.1.0

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Last release
2 years ago


lib for upgrading organic stem skeletons

StackUpgrade class

constructor({destDir, name, version})

Constructs class instance with destDir, name and version properties

let stack = new StackUpgrade({
  destDir: process.cwd(),
  name: 'myStack',
  version: '1.0.0'

constructor({destDir, packagejson})

Constructs class instance with destDir property. Fills name and version properties by reading packagejson as .json file

let stack = new StackUpgrade({
  destDir: process.cwd(),
  packagejson: __dirname + '/package.json'

async configure({sourceDir, answers}): result_answers

Configures stack upgrade. This method does the following:

  1. globs in sourceDir for any placeholders such as {{{variable-name}}} within file contents or file/directory paths
  2. uses answers hash to provide values for found placeholders
  3. prompts the user via inquirer to provide any missing answers to placeholders found from step 1
  4. returns all placeholders with their respective answer values as result_answers hash
let stack = new StackUpgrade(...)
let answers = await stack.configure({
  sourceDir: path.join(__dirname, 'seedTemplateFolder')

// `answers` will be a hash with provided answers to 
// any placeholders been found within `seedTemplateFolder`

async merge({sourceDir, answers})

Merges stack upgrade into destDir. This method does the following:

  1. globs in sourceDir for all files and folders and replaces any placeholders such as {{{variable-name}}} in all file/directory path or file contents
  2. writes resulted files and directories do the destDir by using the following merge strategies:
  • for .json files it does deep object merge and overrides existing keys
  • for .gitignore files it reconstructs the file by appending to the using existing file the content provided from sourceDir. It eliminates duplicated lines
  • for gitignore files it outputs .gitignore following the same rules as previous point
  • for all other files it just overrides
let stack = new StackUpgrade({
  destDir: ...,
await stack.merge({
  sourceDir: path.join(__dirname, 'seedTemplateFolder'),
  answers: {...}

// will merge `seedTemplateFolder` into `destDir`
// replacing any placeholders been found with provided `answers` hash

async updateJSON()

Updates <destDir>/package.json by adding stack upgrade name and version within stackUpgrades key. This is useful way to record that given stack upgrade by name/version has been applied to the destDir

let stack = new StackUpgrade({
  destDir: process.cwd(),
  name: "my-upgrade",
  version: "1.0.1"

// will create or append the following to destDir/package.json
  "stackUpgrades": {
    "my-upgrade": "1.0.1"

async checkUpgrade(name, version): Boolean

Checks <destDir>/package.json for specific stackUpgrades key matching name having respective version compared via compare-versions

Returns true when respective version is equal or greater than destination's

let stack = new StackUpgrade({
  destDir: process.cwd()

stack.checkUpgrade('my-upgrade', '^1.0.0') 

// returns 'true' when destDir has package.json like
  "stackUpgrades": {
    "my-upgrade": "1.0.0"

async exec(cmd)

Helper method to execute cmd on destDir and to pipe the output to console. Note that destDir is created if not exists.

let stack = new StackUpgrade({
  destDir: process.cwd()

stack.exec('echo TEST')
// will execute `echo TEST` command witin `destDir` 
// inheriting any process env variables

async ensureDestDir()

Helper method to create destination directory if not found

async ask(question, defaultValue)

Helper method to use inquirer prompt and return the resulted answer