0.8.0 • Published 1 year ago

orion-ui v0.8.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
1 year ago

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn run storybook

Runs the react storybook. Open http://localhost:6006 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.

To Deploy the package to NPM

Log in to npm using the command npm login

NOTE: NEVER update the package version yourself by editing package.json, ALWAYS do so by running npm command.

If publishing bug fixes (Backward compatible bug fixes, small features/tweaks)

npm version patch -m "Upgrade to %s for reasons"

0.0.1 -> 0.0.2

If publishing a new feature (Backward compatible large-ish new features)

npm version minor

0.1.5 -> 0.2.0

If publishing major change (Changes that break backward compatibility)

npm version major

1.3.7 -> 2.0.0

Above npm version commands will increase the version number and automatically take care of git add/commit for you.

To publish

npm publish

After npm publish command, you should see the updated version almost instantly on npmjs website.

If it doesn't show up, please double check cache. If clearing cache doens't work, try searching the package directly from npmjs.com search bar, that might show the latest change.

Updating downstream packages after publishing

To update consumers of orion-eui to the latest version (e.g., mona), the below command is usually what you want:

yarn upgrade orion-ui@~YOUR_NEW_VERSION_NUMBER

If you use a different command (there's lots of options), make sure to double-check that the package.json for the consumer you're updating has actually gone to what you want. Some commands will locally update your package but not alter the package.json file, so double-check.

How we use Theme file along with Variants

We are using Variants from styled-system, which automatically accesses the Theme file to find a particular component's design. Default variant designs are declared in Theme file.

For example, when you use <Button> component and pass a variant prop like this

`<Button variant="primaryButton" />`

it will apply orion-ui's own default design which is declared in Theme.js file. If you want to override it from a client app like Artemis, create buttons obj inside Artemis's own Theme file and it will remove all buttons design coming from orion-ui