0.8.66 • Published 3 years ago

orionframework v0.8.66

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Last release
3 years ago

Source & Licensing

The sources for this package are in the https://github.com/theorionframework/orionframework-ts repo.

Instructions on how to build can be found at scripts/release.sh

License: MIT





Tip: 1000 ms = 1 second.


Kind: global class
****: 1.0

new Arrays()

Array utility class


An empty array

Kind: static property of Arrays

Arrays.copy(array) ⇒ Array

Copy the entire given array into a new one and return it.

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Array - the copied array instance.

arrayArraythe array being copied

Arrays.range(from, to, callback) ⇒ Array

Create a range between two numbers (including both) and return it as an array.

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Array - the generated range

fromNumberthe initial number
toNumberthe final number
callbackfunctionfunction invoked for each item in the range so the result returned can be formatted instead of simply used as is.

Arrays.toArray(value) ⇒

Validate the given value against an Array instance. If so, return as is, otherwise, wrap its content as an array.

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: value as an array

valuethe value being converted

Arrays.contains(array, value, caseSensitive) ⇒ Boolean

Check rather the given array contains the given value

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Boolean - true if present, false otherwise

arraythe array being verified
valuethe value being checked
caseSensitiveBooleanflag indicating if case-sensitive comparison should be applied. (Defaults to true)

Arrays.containsAll(list, items, caseSensitive)

Check if the given Array contains all the items within second array

Kind: static method of Arrays

listArraythe list being verified
itemsArraythe items that should exists within the first list
caseSensitiveBooleanflag indicating if case-sensitive comparison should be applied. (Defaults to true)

Arrays.unique(array, field) ⇒ Array

Filter the content of the given array into a second array without any duplicate values.

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Array - filtered array

arrayArraythe array being filtered/transformed
fieldStringthe field name (may be in E4J format, for more, see #orion.utils.E4J)

Arrays.last(the) ⇒ Object

Retrieve the last item in this array

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Object - the last item of the given array

theArrayarray we are retrieving the last item from

Arrays.remove(array, value)

Remove the given item from the given array

Kind: static method of Arrays

arraythe array being manipulated
valuethe value being removed

Arrays.removeAt(array, index)

Remove an item represented by the given index

Kind: static method of Arrays

arraythe array being manipulated
indexthe index representing the element being removed

Arrays.addAll(array, values)

Add all given elements into the given array

Kind: static method of Arrays

arrayArraythe array we are adding to
valuesArraythe values being added


Remove all elements from the given array that are present in the second array. However, if a second array is not informed, then the first array is cleared.

Kind: static method of Arrays

arrayArraythe array being cleared

Arrays.removeAll(array, values)

Remove all elements from the given array that are present in the second array.

Kind: static method of Arrays

arrayArraythe array being

Arrays.addAt(array, item, index)

Add an item to the given array within the given position

Kind: static method of Arrays

arraythe array being manipulated
itemthe item being added
indexthe position of the item being added

Arrays.moveAt(array, from, to)

Move an item from one index position to another index position

Kind: static method of Arrays

arraythe array being manipulated
fromthe current index position
tothe new index position

Arrays.moveAll(elements, index) ⇒ Array

Move the given single element to a new position on this collection. *

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Array - the updated array with the moved items

elementsArraythe elements being moved
indexintthe new index for the moved element

Arrays.isEmpty(value) ⇒

Check if the given array is null, undefined or empty.

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: true if currently empty, false otherwise.

valuethe array being checked

Arrays.getLength(value) ⇒ Number

Safe Array's length retrieval with fall back to 0 if not defined/null.

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Number - array's length

valuethe array being checked

Arrays.isLast(array, value) ⇒ Boolean

Compares if the given value is the last item of the given array

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Boolean - true if so, false otherwise

arrayArraythe array used being compared
valueObjectthe value being compared

Arrays.toMultiValueObject(items) ⇒

Convert the given array of objects into an Object. This object will contain the same common properties from the objects in the given list. Each value will contain instead a array from each object of the given list.

would be converted into:

This method is useful for converting a list of objects to a compatible multi-value object used to submit to a remote server via AJAX (similar to multi-value field forms).

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: object containing all properties as array

itemsthe list of objects to be converted

Arrays.toPropertyArray(array, property) ⇒

Convert an array of hash objects to an array of properties. We extract the property name from each hash object in the given array returning them as part of a new array on the same order of the original one.


Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: array of properties from each hash object in the given array

arrayof hash objects
propertythe property name

Arrays.sort(array, sorts, parser) ⇒ Array

Sort the given array by the given property in the given direction.

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Array - sorted array (same instance of the given one)

arrayArraythe array we want to sort
sortsArraythe list of hash objects for the sorted fields. Each object may contain { field : "name", order : "ascdesc", valueFunction : ...} where. property - {String or Function}: the property name we are sorting by. When not defined, use the value directly defined in the array. You're also allowed to pass a function that accepts one parameter and returns the value used to sort by. I.E.: function(a){ return a.state.country.name } enabling you to navigate through multiple objects. asc - {String} : the order in which sorting should happen. valueFunction - {Function} : The function used to extra items being sorted.
parserfunctionfunction used to parse the extracted value before we can run the comparison

Arrays.sum(arguments) ⇒ Array

Concatenate all the given arrays into a new single Array. Arguments that are not arrays are just appended as is.

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Array - array containing all subtracted sub-entries.


Arrays.substract(arguments) ⇒ Array

Subtract all sequence values from the first array passed as an argument and returned it as a new array.

Kind: static method of Arrays
Returns: Array - array containing all added sub-entries.



Kind: global class

new Browser()

Browser related components and utilities


Information about the currently logged user on the application.

Kind: static property of Browser


Browser support

Kind: static property of Browser


Indicate if the browser supports touch events

Kind: static property of support


Indicate if the browser is running on a mobile device

Kind: static property of support


Indicate if the browser is running on a iPad device

Kind: static property of support


Indicate if the browser is running on a iPhone device

Kind: static property of support


Indicate if the browser is running on a iPod device

Kind: static property of support

Browser.hash : object

Browser history utilities functions.

The default location.hash provides access to the hash URL but this component gives you the ability to know when the hash URL has changed via event "hash" dispatched within any jQuery component. It also give you the ability to update the hash value without dispatching a change event or even enable/disable the hash URL update for a certain period (during load time for example while you parse the hash URL and load your internal components to restore their state).

Kind: static namespace of Browser


The time delay in milliseconds used to verify if the browser's hash URL has changed

Kind: static property of hash


Flag that indicates if hash is currently enabled. By setting this flag to false, the hash value can't be updated via update() method.

Kind: static property of hash

hash.get() ⇒

Retrieve the hash value from the location.hre. Remove the '#' symbol from the value if defined.

Kind: static method of hash
Returns: hash value


Handler invoked when by time to time to verify if the hash variable has changed. If so, dispatch a hash event

Kind: static method of hash

Browser.openUrl(url, data, method, target, encType, charsetName)

Open the given URL on the browser passing the given parameter using the given HTTP method. If a target is not defined, opens a new window otherwise uses given client to open the URL.

This method simulates a form submit, so the URL is the form action, the data are the fields the form holds, the target is the submit target window and the method is the HTTP method (post, get, etc.).

Kind: static method of Browser

urlthe URL you want the new window to open
datathe parameters you want to send across
methodthe HTTP method (get or post). Default is "get".
targetthe target you want the
encTypeStringthe form's enctype (as in multipart/form-data String if pushing multipart documents). Defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
charsetNameStringthe charset encoding used. Defaults to browser's encoding


Kind: global class

new Dates()

Currency utilities

new Dates()

Date utilities

Dates.LOCALE_PREFIX : String

Prefix path used for storing locale messages

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "com.orion.utils.Dates"


The default formatter mask.

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "date"

Dates.YEAR : String

The mask name used for formatting year

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "year"

Dates.DATE : String

The mask name used for formatting date

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "date"

Dates.TIME : String

The mask name used for formatting time.

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "time"

Dates.DATETIME : String

The mask for the default year format to the bound locale

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "datetime"

Dates.getDate(year, month, day, defaultValue) ⇒ Date

Create a new date to match the given year, month and day from String values. If the given values do not match a proper date, then the default value is returned instead.

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Date - the created date if the parameters valid or defaultValue instead

yearStringthe year (required)
monthStringthe month (required)
dayStringthe day (fall back to 1 if not defined)
defaultValueDatethe default value returned if the given parameters do not match a valid date

Dates.getDateTime(date, time) ⇒ Date

Translate the date and time properties of both given Date values to a single merged one.

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Date - new date holding both date and time properties for the given date objects

dateDatethe date object we are keeping the date properties
timeDatethe date object we are keeping the time properties

Dates.isSameDay(d1, d2) ⇒ Boolean

Check if both given dates match the same exact year, month and date

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Boolean - true if both match, false otherwise

d1Datethe first date for the comparison
d2Datethe second date for the comparison

Dates.getDays(year, month) ⇒ Number

Retrieve the number of days within the given month of the given year

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Number - number of days of the month within the given year

yearNumberthe year
monthNumberthe month

Dates.addDays(date, days)

Add the given number of days to the given date

Kind: static method of Dates

dateDatethe date being processed
daysNumberthe number of days being added to the given date

Dates.now() ⇒ Number

Retrieve the current timestamp in milliseconds

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Number - current timestamp

Dates.getDaysBetween(left, right) ⇒ Number

Retrieve the number of days passed between the two given dates

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Number - number of days

leftDatethe first date being calculated
rightDatethe second date being calculated

Dates.addFormat(name, format, locale)

Register a new format name (or replace if already exists) for the given locale

Kind: static method of Dates

nameStringthe format name used while using Dates#format() with a format name instead of a format pattern
formatStringthe format pattern being registered
localeStringthe locale in which this format is registered


Kind: global class

new Cursor()

Cursor/Mouse/Touch utilities

new Cursor()

Effect utilities and tricks


Current y coordinate of the cursor in the screen.

Kind: static property of Cursor


Current x coordinate of the cursor in the screen.

Kind: static property of Cursor


Indicate if the browser supports touch events

Kind: static property of Cursor

Cursor.eventStart : String

Event name used to define when touch has started

Kind: static property of Cursor


Event name used to define when touch has ended

Kind: static property of Cursor


Event name used to define when mouse/finger is moving

Kind: static property of Cursor

Cursor.eventTarget(element) ⇒

Translate the given element to its target area depending on touch support or not.

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: if touch support, returns the given element, if not, return the root document allowing touch to be used outside the element

elementthe element dispatching the event

Cursor.hover(element) ⇒

Check if the cursor (touch or mouse) is currently over the given element

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: true if cursor is currently over, false otherwise

elementthe jQuery object of the element we are checking against

Cursor.getLocal(element) ⇒ Object

Translate the current global cursor's position to the offset coordinates of the cursor within the given element, as in the position of the cursor in the given element itself.

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Object - hash containing both x and y position of the cursor within the given element.

elementjQuerythe jQuery element we want the local cursor's position

Cursor.getX(event, local) ⇒ Number

Retrieve the local/global X coordinate for the given mouse event. If using touch devices, use the first touch item instead

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Number - the x coordinate

eventjQuery.Eventthe event being containing the position
localBooleanflag that indicate if we want the local or global coordinates. Defaults to false returning global position

Cursor.getY(event, local) ⇒ Number

Retrieve the local/global Y coordinate for the given mouse event. If using touch devices, use the first touch item instead

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Number - the x coordinate

eventjQuery.Eventthe event being containing the position
localBooleanflag that indicate if we want the local or global coordinates. Defaults to false returning global position

Cursor.diff(x, y) ⇒ Object

Calculate the difference between the the current cursor's position and the given position (AKA current.x - position.x, ...).

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Object - hash containing the position difference between the given position and the current position (may contain negative values)

xNumberthe previous X position
yNumberthe previous Y position

Cursor.diffY(y) ⇒ Number

Calculate the difference between the current cursor's Y to the given Y coordinate

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Number - the difference between current cursor's Y and given Y coordinate

yNumberthe previous Y position

Cursor.diffX(x) ⇒ Number

Calculate the difference between the current cursor's X to the given X coordinate

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Number - the difference between current cursor's X and given X coordinate

xNumberthe previous X position

Cursor.moved(x, y) ⇒ Boolean

Check if the cursor once pointed to the given position has moved relative to the current cursor's position.

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Boolean - true if the cursor is no longer i the same position as the given one, false otherwise

xNumberthe previous X position
yNumberthe previous Y position


Perform an update on both x and y positions of the cursor based on the given mouse event. This method is rarely necessary to be called manually, unless you need a very accurate position of the mouse for touch devices as the default mechanism involves touchstart on the document and that is only propagated after touchstart has been dispatched within a target element, therefore a VERY small gap where the coordinates may not be accurate enough.

Kind: static method of Cursor

eventjQuery.Eventthe event used to update the coordinates


Kind: global class

new Dates()

Currency utilities

new Dates()

Date utilities

Dates.LOCALE_PREFIX : String

Prefix path used for storing locale messages

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "com.orion.utils.Dates"


The default formatter mask.

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "date"

Dates.YEAR : String

The mask name used for formatting year

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "year"

Dates.DATE : String

The mask name used for formatting date

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "date"

Dates.TIME : String

The mask name used for formatting time.

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "time"

Dates.DATETIME : String

The mask for the default year format to the bound locale

Kind: static property of Dates
Default: "datetime"

Dates.getDate(year, month, day, defaultValue) ⇒ Date

Create a new date to match the given year, month and day from String values. If the given values do not match a proper date, then the default value is returned instead.

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Date - the created date if the parameters valid or defaultValue instead

yearStringthe year (required)
monthStringthe month (required)
dayStringthe day (fall back to 1 if not defined)
defaultValueDatethe default value returned if the given parameters do not match a valid date

Dates.getDateTime(date, time) ⇒ Date

Translate the date and time properties of both given Date values to a single merged one.

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Date - new date holding both date and time properties for the given date objects

dateDatethe date object we are keeping the date properties
timeDatethe date object we are keeping the time properties

Dates.isSameDay(d1, d2) ⇒ Boolean

Check if both given dates match the same exact year, month and date

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Boolean - true if both match, false otherwise

d1Datethe first date for the comparison
d2Datethe second date for the comparison

Dates.getDays(year, month) ⇒ Number

Retrieve the number of days within the given month of the given year

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Number - number of days of the month within the given year

yearNumberthe year
monthNumberthe month

Dates.addDays(date, days)

Add the given number of days to the given date

Kind: static method of Dates

dateDatethe date being processed
daysNumberthe number of days being added to the given date

Dates.now() ⇒ Number

Retrieve the current timestamp in milliseconds

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Number - current timestamp

Dates.getDaysBetween(left, right) ⇒ Number

Retrieve the number of days passed between the two given dates

Kind: static method of Dates
Returns: Number - number of days

leftDatethe first date being calculated
rightDatethe second date being calculated

Dates.addFormat(name, format, locale)

Register a new format name (or replace if already exists) for the given locale

Kind: static method of Dates

nameStringthe format name used while using Dates#format() with a format name instead of a format pattern
formatStringthe format pattern being registered
localeStringthe locale in which this format is registered


Kind: global class

new E4J()


E4J.write ⇒ Boolean

Write the given value under the given source object within the given expression.

Kind: static property of E4J
Returns: Boolean - true if written the given value, false otherwise

sourceObjectthe object we are writing to
expressionStringthe expression pointing to the property we are writing to
valueObjectthe value being set
initializeBooleanflag indicating if we should create objects necessary to satisfy the existence of the objects pointed by the expression to write the given value

E4J.read(source, expression) ⇒ Object

Extract the value for the given expression. Similar to E4X on XML (XPath) where you can use . to navigate through the objects.

Note that the syntax also applies for proper setters/getter convention where your source object could be a class and the properties could be wrapped around getters and setter methods.

Kind: static method of E4J
Returns: Object - value found within the given expression

sourceObjectthe object we are reading from
expressionStringthe expression we are evaluating

E4J.extend(target, object)

Extend each given property of the given object into the given target but instead of simply copying its value to, use E4J expressions to write the values. This means that if you have a property name defined as "application.label" then it will write on the target object as object.application.label=....

Kind: static method of E4J

targetObjectthe object receiving the copied properties
objectObjectthe object being copied


Kind: global class

new Events()

Event utility class

Events.stop(event) ⇒ Boolean

Stops both immediate and regular propagation for the given event. This is a utility useful to cancel an event execution by simply calling and returning it inside of a handler

Kind: static method of Events
Returns: Boolean - false, always false

eventObjectthe event object


Kind: global class

new Cursor()

Cursor/Mouse/Touch utilities

new Cursor()

Effect utilities and tricks


Current y coordinate of the cursor in the screen.

Kind: static property of Cursor


Current x coordinate of the cursor in the screen.

Kind: static property of Cursor


Indicate if the browser supports touch events

Kind: static property of Cursor

Cursor.eventStart : String

Event name used to define when touch has started

Kind: static property of Cursor


Event name used to define when touch has ended

Kind: static property of Cursor


Event name used to define when mouse/finger is moving

Kind: static property of Cursor

Cursor.eventTarget(element) ⇒

Translate the given element to its target area depending on touch support or not.

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: if touch support, returns the given element, if not, return the root document allowing touch to be used outside the element

elementthe element dispatching the event

Cursor.hover(element) ⇒

Check if the cursor (touch or mouse) is currently over the given element

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: true if cursor is currently over, false otherwise

elementthe jQuery object of the element we are checking against

Cursor.getLocal(element) ⇒ Object

Translate the current global cursor's position to the offset coordinates of the cursor within the given element, as in the position of the cursor in the given element itself.

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Object - hash containing both x and y position of the cursor within the given element.

elementjQuerythe jQuery element we want the local cursor's position

Cursor.getX(event, local) ⇒ Number

Retrieve the local/global X coordinate for the given mouse event. If using touch devices, use the first touch item instead

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Number - the x coordinate

eventjQuery.Eventthe event being containing the position
localBooleanflag that indicate if we want the local or global coordinates. Defaults to false returning global position

Cursor.getY(event, local) ⇒ Number

Retrieve the local/global Y coordinate for the given mouse event. If using touch devices, use the first touch item instead

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Number - the x coordinate

eventjQuery.Eventthe event being containing the position
localBooleanflag that indicate if we want the local or global coordinates. Defaults to false returning global position

Cursor.diff(x, y) ⇒ Object

Calculate the difference between the the current cursor's position and the given position (AKA current.x - position.x, ...).

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Object - hash containing the position difference between the given position and the current position (may contain negative values)

xNumberthe previous X position
yNumberthe previous Y position

Cursor.diffY(y) ⇒ Number

Calculate the difference between the current cursor's Y to the given Y coordinate

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Number - the difference between current cursor's Y and given Y coordinate

yNumberthe previous Y position

Cursor.diffX(x) ⇒ Number

Calculate the difference between the current cursor's X to the given X coordinate

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Number - the difference between current cursor's X and given X coordinate

xNumberthe previous X position

Cursor.moved(x, y) ⇒ Boolean

Check if the cursor once pointed to the given position has moved relative to the current cursor's position.

Kind: static method of Cursor
Returns: Boolean - true if the cursor is no longer i the same position as the given one, false otherwise

xNumberthe previous X position
yNumberthe previous Y position


Perform an update on both x and y positions of the cursor based on the given mouse event. This method is rarely necessary to be called manually, unless you need a very accurate position of the mouse for touch devices as the default mechanism involves touchstart on the document and that is only propagated after touchstart has been dispatched within a target element, therefore a VERY small gap where the coordinates may not be accurate enough.

Kind: static method of Cursor

eventjQuery.Eventthe event used to update the coordinates


Kind: global class

new GUID()

GUID helper class


Prefix prepended between each generated GUID

Kind: static property of GUID

GUID.get(item) ⇒

Look up for the GUID of the given item by checking for a property named GUID declared directly within the given item. If not defined, a new GUID is assigned and returned.

Kind: static method of GUID
Returns: GUID from the given item

itemthe item we want the GUID from


Kind: global class

new HTML()

HTML utility class


Markup for a plain div tag

Kind: static property of HTML

HTML.escape ⇒ String

Escape the given value making it ready for HTML

Kind: static property of HTML
Returns: String - HTML escaped String

valueStringthe value to be escaped

HTML.is() ⇒

Check if the given string content represents a HTML code.

Kind: static method of HTML
Returns: true if the given value represents one of the HTML tags
Value: the string value we are checking on

HTML.get(markup) ⇒ jQuery

Transform the given HTML (STring) mark-up into a HTML element

Kind: static method of HTML
Returns: jQuery - HTML element

markupStringthe HTML mark-up

HTML.getElement(object) ⇒

Transform the given object into a jQuery HTML Element node set.

Kind: static method of HTML
Returns: jQuery stack

objectthe object being transformed

HTML.join(hash, arguments) ⇒ String

Join all given arguments together without any space or special characters.

You can always pass a set of infinite arguments as plain String which then are simply joined instead.

Kind: static method of HTML
Returns: String - joined HTML mark-up

hashObjectused as a HTML template
argumentsArguments(0..x) list of arguments being joined

HTML.getForm(encType, charsetName) ⇒

Create a form with mapped for the given URL, method, target type and encoding type including a hidden field for every single value in the given data parameter.

Kind: static method of HTML
Returns: new form instance

encTypeStringthe form's enctype (as in multipart/form-data String if pushing multipart documents). Defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
charsetNameStringthe charset encoding used. Defaults to browser's encoding


Kind: global class

new LocalStorage()

API that wrappers localStorage falling back to regular browser cookies when the same is not available.

LocalStorage.linkToUser : Boolean

Flag that indicates if stored data should be automatically linked to logged user, whenever possible.

Kind: static property of LocalStorage
Default: true

LocalStorage.set(name, value)

Set/update the given value under the given name. The same can now be retrieved via LocalStorage#get()

Kind: static method of LocalStorage

nameStringthe name of the property
valueAnythe data to be stored

LocalStorage.contains() ⇒ Boolean

Verify if the local storage has a property of the given name

Kind: static method of LocalStorage
Returns: Boolean - true if exists, false otherwise


Discard the content of stored under the given property name

Kind: static method of LocalStorage

theStringname of the property being discarded

LocalStorage.getType() ⇒ String

Look up for the storage type currently being used.

Kind: static method of LocalStorage
Returns: String - either "local" if using localStorage or cookie if localStorage is not available.


Alter the storage type utilizing from now-on the given storage type discarding the previous storage being used.

Kind: static method of LocalStorage

typeStringthe new storage type to be used

LocalStorage.isCookie() ⇒ Boolean

Verify if currently using a local storage type

Kind: static method of LocalStorage
Returns: Boolean - true if currently using cookies a local storage, false otherwise


Kind: global class

new Numbers()

Static class used as a place-holder for Number based utility methods.


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