osm-p2p-geojson v4.0.7
Transform OSM documents in a kappa-osm database to GeoJSON
Table of Contents
npm install osm-p2p-geojson
var core = require('kappa-core')
var osmdb = require('kappa-osm')
var ram = require('random-access-memory')
var memdb = require('memdb')
var osmGeoJson = require('osm-p2p-geojson')
var osm = osmdb({
core: core,
index: memdb(),
storage: function (name, cb) { cb(null, ram()) }
type: 'node',
lat: 1,
lon: -1,
tags: {
foo: 'bar'
}, function (err) {
function queryStreaming () {
var q = osm.queryStream([[-Infinity, Infinity], [-Infinity, Infinity]])
var geo = osmGeoJson(osm)
geo.on('data', console.log)
function queryCallback () {
osm.query([[-Infinity, Infinity], [-Infinity, Infinity]], function (err, docs) {
osmGeoJson(osm, { docs: docs }, function (err, geojson) {
var osmGeoJson = require('osm-p2p-geojson')
var importer = osmGeoJson.importer(osm)
Create an importer for importing GeoJSON objects into the given osm-p2p database. Can track progress through listening to the 'import' event. This event gives you the index of the most recently imported data and how many documents will be imported in total. If you try to import twice with the same importer, the callback will be called with an error.
If you want to import twice, create another importer.
var importer = osmGeoJson.importer(osm)
importer.on('import', function (index, total) {
console.log('import', index, total)
importer.importFeatureCollection(geojson, onDone)
var stream = osmGeoJson(osm, options)
Creates a TransformStream that will take as input a stream of osm-p2p documents
and outputs a stream of GeoJSON. If you prefer a callback rather than a stream
for reading output, you can pass callback(err, geojson)
- akappa-osm
- a list of OSM documents. If not provided here, they must be written to the returnedstream
- Array of metadata properties to include as GeoJSON properties. Defaults to['id', 'version', 'timestamp']
- whentrue
will return a stream of GeoJSON feature objects instead of stringified JSON. Defaultfalse
. You can also useosmGeoJson.obj()
- a function that maps aFeature
to anotherFeature
. Defaults to the no-opfunction mapFn (feature) { return feature }
- either a list of tag keys and values that are polygons (for schema see https://github.com/tyrasd/osm-polygon-features/blob/master/schema.json) or a function that will be called with two arguments:coordinates
(from the GeoJSON geometry) andtags
(a hash of tag key-value pairs) and should returntrue
for polygons.
N.B.: If options.objectMode
is enabled and no callback
is provided, the
resultant object stream will emit GeoJSON Feature
objects. This is not valid
GeoJSON as-is: the recipient of the stream will need to either wrap these
s into a FeatureCollection
or otherwise further transform them.
N.B.: Only "interesting" elements are exported. An interesting element is defined as an element that is both a) not malformed, and b) has a populated "tags" object set on it.
PRs accepted.
Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
MIT © Gregor MacLennan
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