0.0.4 • Published 6 years ago
ovee-auth v0.0.4
Ovee Auth
Ovee Auth is a library to very simply manage users and their passwords in a Mongo DB. It salts and hashes passwords and provides a method to verify a username/password combination against the existing users.
Just run npm install --save ovee-auth
Ovee Auth relies on Ovee DB for database access. Please see the Ovee DB documentation in order to create an OveeDB instance. This instance needs to be passed to the Ovee Auth constructor:
const OveeDb = require('ovee-db').OveeDB;
const OveeAuth = require('ovee-auth').OveeAuth;
const db = new OveeDb('mongodb://localhost:27017/ovee', 'ovee');
const oveeAUth = new OveeAuth(db);
Basic Usage
See the test cases for usage details.