0.0.3-a • Published 6 years ago

ovh-certbot-dns v0.0.3-a

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6 years ago

OVH DNS API Client for Certbot

Certbot plugin to respond to DNS-01 challenges by updating the DNS zone in an OVH account.


There are several use cases for DNS challenge with Certbot, for example when the server or machine that need a certificate is not directly accessible from the internet. This way, you can secure machines and services in your internal network, behind a firewall or VPN. Other use cases could be automating multi-server deploys.


How to Use

  1. Download or clone this repo, and then from a terminal enter the directory: cd ovh-certbot-dns and run npm install.

  2. Get an App Key and App Secret from OVH by registering a new app at this URL: OVH Developers: Create App (see more details here: First Steps with the API - OVH).

  3. Obtain a Consumer Key (aka Authentication Token) by running the included script in a terminal:
    node bin/authorize.js --endpoint=ovh-eu --app_key=yourappkey --app_secret=yourappsecret
    by replacing "yourappkey" and "yourappsecret" with the values you received in the previous step, and optionally using a different endpoint than "ovh-eu".

  4. You will get a response with an URL:
    { validationUrl: 'https://eu.api.ovh.com/auth/?credentialToken=jed...', consumerKey: '69X...', state: 'pendingValidation' }
    Visit the validationUrl and login with the account with the DNS zone to be updated, and select a suitable Valitidy (it would make sense to use Unlimited, unless for testing purposes). The consumerKey that you received with the validationURL will now be authorized to access your account.

  5. Copy the file .env.example to .env, and fill the values that you received from OVH. As endpoint, the default value is ovh-eu.

  6. Now you're ready to setup Certbot! You can run the following command:
    sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --manual-auth-hook '/path/to/ovh-certbot-dns/bin/create-record.js' --manual-cleanup-hook '/path/to/ovh-certbot-dns/bin/delete-record.js' -d www.example.com.
    This command will wait for up to 60 seconds (or more if you raise the value DNS_TIMEOUT in your .env file).

  7. If everything goes right, you will get a certificate! It will be saved at /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.example.com/fullchain.pem. You can add it your webserver configuration or copy to another server if you need to.

  8. Now, automate! You can add the line @weekly certbot renew --quiet to your crontab, for example: sudo crontab -e. If you're using a webserver like Nginx, this line could be @weekly certbot renew --quiet && systemctl restart nginx.service.

NB: the certbot renew command uses the same options as the certbot certonly command, so please do not move or delete the ovh-certbot-dns directory.

See Also



David Gasperoni




6 years ago


6 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago