1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

ow-koa v1.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago


ow-koa gives you everything you need to create a modular application using ow-core and a selection of koa middlewares, such as koa-helmet, koa-router, koa-mount, koa-static and koa-bodyparser.

With this module it's as easy as pie to add routes for your ow modules.

Quick Start

yarn add ow-koa


Creating and starting a new app is as simple as writing 3 lines (or 1, if you dare to do so) of code.

import Ow from 'ow-core';
import OwKoa from 'ow-koa';

async function boot() {
  const app = new Ow();

  await app.addModules([


yarn start

This is going to add and configure a koa server which will listen on a random port. Your log output should display that the server is listening on this port and a route /checkConnection will be available to check whether everything works as expected.

Adding routes

Adding routes or middleware is really easy.

For infos about koa-router, please refer to its documentation: alexmingoia/koa-router

ow-koa attaches:

app.koa // the koa instance
app.router // the koa-router instance

You can access them from within all modules you added to your ow application.

import { OwModule } from 'ow-core';

class MyModule extends OwModule {
  static dependencies = ['OwKoa'];

  load() {
    const { router } = this.app;

    router.get('/my-module', ctx => ctx.body = 'My Module!');
yarn start

Now you can go to http://localhost:{PORT}/my-module and you should see 'My Module!'


Built with <3 by the folks at ovos

Contributions are very welcome!


MIT License