1.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

p23r-selection-compiler v1.0.0

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9 years ago


Author: Jan Gottschickjan.gottschick@fokus.fraunhofer.de

This is a P23R Selection language to Xquery code compiler. P23R Selection is part of the P23R project and described in its specifications, which are available at

http://www.p23r.de or https://entwickler.p23r.de

Usage as a command

The compiler is implemented in Javascript and requires node.js, which is available at


After installing node.js you can install the p23r selection compiler, globally, by

npm install p23r-selection-compiler -g

and start the compiler by


You can enter the p23r selection source code via stdin and the target code will appear on stdout, e.g. code for the p23r processor

echo "I'm a comment" | dats2xquery processor

will output

(: I'm a comment :)

The following options are available:

  dats2xquery [OPTIONS] [infile [outfile]]

Create Xquery code from P23R selection expressions.

	-s, --start [STRING]   specify a different start rule (Default is start)
	-k, --no-color         Omit color from output
	--debug                Show debug information
	-v, --version          Display the current version
	-h, --help             Display help and usage details

connector, processor

You must include a command as part of the options to specify for which p23r component the code should be generated.

Usage inside your code

You can include the p23r selection compiler in your project, too. If you build a server side service using node.js just include p23r-selection-compiler in your package.json file. You can call the command using a relative path to node_modules/p23r-selection-compiler/dats2xquery. Or you use the library the usual way, e.g. in coffeescript

compiler = require 'p23r-selection-compiler'

connectorTargetCode = compiler.xqueryForConnector(connectorSourceCode)
processorTargetCode = compiler.xqueryForProcessor(processorSourceCode)

If you like to use the compiler inside your browser code you can load the p23r selection compiler by using bower. Just include p23r-selection-compiler in your bower.json file. Then load the files

  • ../p23r-selection-compiler/dist/lib/js/selectionConnectorLib.js
  • ../p23r-selection-compiler/dist/lib/js/selectionProcessorLib.js

with your web page and call the parser

connectorTargetCode = selectionConnector.parse(connectorSourceCode)
processorTargetCode = selectionProcessor.parse(processorSourceCode)

Errors can be handled in both cases using try and catch, e.g.

	connectorTargetCode = selectionConnector.parse(connectorSourceCode)
catch error
	console.log error.name + " in selection at " + error.line + "," + error.column + ": " + error.message

Legal issues

This project is part of the openP23R initiative. All related projects are listed at https://gitlab.com/openp23r/openp23r .

The legal conditions see LICENSE file.

The project is maintained by P23R-Team (a) Fraunhofer FOKUS