1.1.8 • Published 2 years ago
p2p-cash v1.1.8
Communicate on the Bitcoin P2P network with minimal overhead or dependencies
Built to follow the protocol definition here: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation
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Basic use
const BitcoinP2P = require("p2p-cash").default;
const node = ""; // ipv4 or ipv6 address
const ticker = "BSV"; // Also works with BTC, BCH, XEC and other bitcoin network protocols
const peer = new BitcoinP2P({ node, ticker });
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
let writeStream;
let writeDir;
peer.on("block_chunk", ({ node, chunk, blockHash, finished, started, num }) => {
// Save blocks to disk
if (started) {
writeDir = path.join(__dirname, `${blockHash.toString("hex")}.bin`); // Path of final block file
writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(`${writeDir}.tmp`);
if (finished) {
writeStream = null;
fs.renameSync(`${writeDir}.tmp`, writeDir);
peer.on("transactions", ({ node, header, finished, transactions }) => {
// `header` if transaction is confirmed in a block. Otherwise it is a mempool tx
// `finished` is true if these are the last transactions in a block
for (const [index, transaction] of transactions) {
// index: is the transaction index number in the block if header exists
// transaction: is a bitcoin-minimal lib object
if (header) {
`tx ${transaction
.toString("hex")} in index ${index} of block ${header
} else {
`tx ${transaction.getHash().toString("hex")} seen in mempool`
await peer.connect();
await peer.getBlock("<block hash>");
peer.fetchMempoolTxs((txids) => txids); // Return filtered txids to download mempool txs
peer.fetchNewBlocks((hashes) => hashes); // Return filtered block hashes to download new blocks
Other methods
const BitcoinP2P = require("p2p-cash").default;
const node = ""; // ipv4 or ipv6 address
const port = 8333;
const ticker = "BSV"; // Also works with BTC, BCH, XEC and other bitcoin network protocols
const stream = true; // Parse txs while block is downloading. No block size memory constraints
const validate = true; // Perform merkle root validation. Disable to save processing time
const autoReconnect = true; // Attempt reconnect after disconnects
const disableExtmsg = false; // Disable extension messages (> 4GB payloads). Set to true if ticker is not BSV
const mempoolTxs = true; // Receiving mempool tx announcements
const DEBUG_LOG = false; // console.log detailed messages on what is happening
const peer = new BitcoinP2P({
peer.on("addr", ({ addrs }) => {
// List of connected peers
for (const addr of addrs) {
peer.on("block_hashes", ({ hashes }) => {
// New block hashes announced
for (const hash of hashes) {
console.log(`New block ${hash.toString("hex")} from ${node}`);
peer.on("block_chunk", ({ chunk, blockHash, finished, started, num }) => {
// Only needed if you want to save the block chunks
peer.on("block", ({ block }) => {
// Only called if `stream = false`
peer.on("transactions", ({ header, finished, transactions }) => {
// `header` if transaction is confirmed in a block. Otherwise it is a mempool tx
// `finished` if these are the last transactions in a block
for (const [index, transaction] of transactions) {
// Filter and store transaction information here
peer.on("disconnected", ({ disconnects }) => {
// Disconnected from peer
peer.on("connected", () => {
// Connected to peer
peer.on("version", ({ version }) => {
// Received version message
peer.on("message", ({ command, payload }) => {
// Received a message
peer.on("error_message", ({ error }) => {
// Error processing message
peer.on("error_socket", ({ error }) => {
// Socket error
await peer.connect(); // Resolves when connected
await peer.getHeaders({ from: ["<hex header>"], to: "<stop hash>" }); // Returns array of Headers
peer.getMempool(); // Request node for all mempool txs. Recommend not using. Nodes usually disconnect you.
await peer.ping(); // Returns Number. Te response time in milliseconds
await peer.getAddr(); // Request nodes connected peers list
await peer.getBlock("<block hash>"); // Hex string or 32 byte Buffer. If stream = true transactions will come through on peer.on('transactions'...
await peer.broadcastTx("<tx buffer>"); // Tx Buffer
peer.getTxs(["<txid>..."]); // Array of txid 32 byte Buffers
peer.fetchMempoolTxs((txids) => txids); // Return filtered txids to download mempool txs
peer.fetchNewBlocks((hashes) => hashes); // Return filtered block hashes to download new blocks
yarn test
2 years ago