0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago
p2p-chimee-kernel-hls v0.1.0
chimee-kernel-hls is the decoder for chimee. It can decode m3u8 on browser.
It's based on hls.js.
It totally fit the requirement of chimee-kernel.
It should only be used in the PC, as most of mobile browser support m3u8.
npm install --save chimee-kernel-hls
You can use chimee-kernel-hls in chimee or chimee-player like this.
import Chimee from 'chimee';
import ChimeeKernelHls from 'chimee-kernel-hls';
const chimee = new Chimee({
wrapper: '#wrapper',
src: 'http://cdn.toxicjohann.com/lostStar.mp4',
controls: true,
autoplay: true,
kernels: {
hls: ChimeeKernelHls,
We also support custom config on hls.js, such as config describe in the document.
import Chimee from 'chimee';
import ChimeeKernelHls from 'chimee-kernel-hls';
const chimee = new Chimee({
wrapper: '#wrapper',
src: 'http://cdn.toxicjohann.com/lostStar.mp4',
controls: true,
autoplay: true,
kernels: {
hls: {
handler: ChimeeKernelHls,
debug: true,
6 years ago