0.1.1 • Published 11 years ago
p2p-rpc-stream v0.1.1
Transport-agnostic RPC libraries utilizing node streams have already become quite popular. In my opinion, there is still a problem, though: What if I need to call methods from both ends? Create tow tcp servers? Ugly.
This little library provides RPC streams that you can use to do traditional client/server or to communicate between peers (both sides act as client & server).
var rpc = require('p2p-rpc-stream')
, net = require('net')
// This node both
// a server ...
var server = rpc.createServer({
echo: function(msg, reply) {
reply(null, msg)
hello: function(reply) {
reply(null, 'hello.')
net.createServer(function(sock) {
var rpc_conn = server.createStream()
// ... and a client
// at the same time!
var client = rpc.createClient(server.id) // we need to know our own server
.pipe(client) // send requests into the other direction and check for replies
.pipe(rpc_conn) // check for requests and reply to them
client.request('hello', function(er, res) {
if(er) throw er // will return a Timeout error after some 5secs
var rpc = require('p2p-rpc-stream')
, net = require('net')
var client = rpc.createClient()
var sock = net.connect({port: 3000}, function(sock) {
npm install p2p-rpc-stream
- allow custom request timeouts
(c) 2013 by Marcel Klehr
MIT License