1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

packaging-service v1.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Welcome to the packaging-service, the micro-service powering up Packaging. It manages all resources related to Packaging as well as everything related to payments via Stripe.


The first step in order to install packaging-service is to clone this repository into your machine.

$ git clone git@github.com:Trouva/packaging-service.git

After that, jump into the folder.

$ cd packaging-service

Now, you'll need to create and populate the .env file. After creating an empty .env, go to 1Password and search for "packaging-service .env". Copy the content to your local .env.

After that, install this project's dependencies.

$ nvm use
$ npm install


In order to start the packaging-service locally, it's recommended to use operations. Using operations to run packaging-service is mandatory if you want to connect with your other locally running services such as promenade.

$ cd ../operations
$ docker-compose up -d packaging


In order to run the tests, you can simply run the following command

$ npm test

There are other scripts available in package.json to run only a certain subset of tests (e.g. unit).


In order to run all the linters, you can simply run the following command

$ npm run lint