0.0.5 • Published 1 year ago
painting-3d-viewer v0.0.5
Online 3D Viewer
Online 3D Viewer (https://3dviewer.net) is a free and open source web solution to visualize and explore 3D models right in your browser. This repository contains the source code of the website and the library behind it.
The repository is separated into two parts.
- Online 3D Viewer Website: Source code of the web solution with all of the pages and functions.
- Online 3D Viewer Engine: Source code of the library to visualize models easily.
Engine documentation is available here.
Supported file formats
- Import: obj, 3ds, stl, ply, gltf, glb, off, 3dm, fbx, dae, wrl, 3mf, ifc, brep, step, iges, fcstd, bim.
- Export: obj, stl, ply, gltf, glb, off, 3dm, bim.
- Import model:
- Select files from a file browser dialog.
- Drag and drop files from your computer.
- Specify files by web url.
- Specify files by web url in hash parameters.
- Explore model:
- Orbit, pan, zoom.
- Set up direction.
- Fit to window.
- Investigate model:
- List used and missing files.
- List all materials and meshes.
- Show/hide and zoom to a specific mesh.
- List materials used by a specific mesh.
- Show model information (model size, vertex and polygon count).
- Show custom properties stored in the model.
- Export model to various format.
- Embed viewer in your website.
External Libraries
Online 3D Viewer uses these wonderful libraries: three.js, pickr, fflate, draco, rhino3dm, web-ifc, occt-import-js.