0.0.2 • Published 2 years ago

palletize v0.0.2

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Last release
2 years ago


Tools for collections of colors.

Insert a library of color swatches, then query individual or batches of swatches based on visual attributes. Consumes a hex string for each swatch, then calculates and attaches additional data points for rgba, hsla, and luminance.


Install the palletize package

npm i palletize


  1. Prepare your library of swatches. Each swatch must have a unique id string and hex string properties:
    "id": "naturally-white",
    "hex": "#fffffd",
    "id": "egyptian-cotton",
    "hex": "#fdfdfb",
    "id": "cotton",
    "hex": "#fffef9",
  1. Initialize a palette using the library:
const Palletize = require('palletize')
const Palette = Palletize(require('./natural-paint-co.json'))
  1. Query swatches using the fetcher methods (detailed below)
const color = Palette.id('cotton')



Query a single swatch by it's id

random(n = 1)

Query randomized swatches from the whole library

luminance(min, max, n = 1)

Query randomized swatches within a luminance range

hue(theta, range, n = 1)

Query randomized swatches within a range on the hue wheel
theta: Degrees around the hue wheel 0:red -> 120:green -> 240:blue
range: Degrees in either direction on the wheel to include in results

saturation(min, max, n = 1)

Query randomized swatches within a saturation range

lightness(min, max, n = 1)

Query randomized swatches within a lightness range

hsl(hue, saturation, lightness, n = 1)

Query randomized swatches that match the HSL ranges
hue: [theta, range]
saturation: [min, max]
lightness: [min, max]


All randomized methods can provide an exclude array as the final argument; these items are excluded from the selection process:

const background = Palette.id('cotton')
const colors = Palette.random(10, [background]) // `Cotton` swatch excluded from selection pool




Palette.luminance(0, 0.2, 10)

Palette.luminance(0.6, 1, 10)

Palette.hue(0, 15, 10)

Palette.hue(120, 30, 10)

Palette.hue(200, 30, 10)

Palette.saturation(0.5, 1, 10)

Palette.saturation(0, 0.1, 10)

Palette.lightness(0, 0.33, 10)

Palette.lightness(0.8, 1, 10)

Palette.hsl([0, 45], [0.5, 1], [0.7, 1], 10)

Palette.hsl([150, 35], [0, 0.33], [0, 0.5], 10)

Palette.hsl(undefined, [0.5, 1], [0.5, 1], 10)