0.2.0 • Published 8 years ago

panelbit v0.2.0

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Last release
8 years ago

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Panelbit allows you to run your own private NPM registry.


To install panelbit run the following command:

npm install -g panelbit


To start panelbit run the following command:


This will start up the panelbit server.


Logging in

To be able to publish packages make sure you are logged in on the panelbit server, the default server will do nothing with this and is just a requirement to make sure NPM will publish to your new registry.

# localhost is the default hostname and 9090 is the default port
npm login --registry=http://localhost:9090

Publishing a package

When you're logged in you should be able to publish a package. Run the following command from your package root.

npm publish --registry=http://localhost:9090

This will publish your package version to the registry.

Installing a package

After you've published your package other people can start pulling it in. To install run the following command:

npm install my-package --registry=http://localhost:9090

Using panelbit as your default registry

Don't want to keep entering your registry location? You can also set panelbit as your default registry, when packages are not found it will direct npm to it's default registry and resolve from there.

To make panelbit your default registry run the following command:

npm config set registry http://localhost:9090


For contributing information see CONTRIBUTING.MD


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago