1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

papo-ui v1.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago


The wix-ui-backoffice (WUB) library is the themed version of wix-style-react (WSR) and is used for the business manager and premium areas of Wix. WUB will eventually replace WSR, but in the meantime, WSR will act as a proxy layer for each new component that is added to WUB. This way we can gradually migrate its components.

Storybook: here

Uses: yoshi for build


  • Running npm run test will run both unit and e2e tests.

Unit tests (jest/jsdom)

  • If you want to run only unit tests, use npm run test:unit.
  • You can use npm run test:watch to watch for file changes, or selectivly run specific tests.

Browser(e2e) tests (protractor)

  • If you want to run only e2e tests, use npm run test:e2e
    • NOTE: You should run npm test or npm pretest before that, so that build-storybook would run, and we'll have the storybook statics under the dist folder. When you run npm run test:e2e it starts a statics server which serves the content of the storybook_static folder.