1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

parcel-plugin-markdown-it v1.0.0

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Last release
3 years ago

This parcel plugin reads Markdown files and convert them to HTML using markdown-it package.

This HTML is stored in a variable named html.

Plugin also reads Markdown metadata and it stores it in a variable named meta.

import { meta, html } from "./README.md";


Getting started

It uses regular Parcel plugin system, so you only have to install the plugin in your project.

If you are using yarn:

yarn add parcel-plugin-markdown-it --dev

If you are using npm:

npm install parcel-plugin-markdown-it --save-dev

This command just installs parcel-plugin-markdown-it in your node_modules folder and adds it to development dependency section in package.json:

"devDependencies": {
    "parcel-plugin-markdown-it": "^0"

Simple Example

For this example we will use a README.md with following content:

layout: post
title: Example title

This is another post, you can find more at https://google.es

You can import a Markdown file like any regular Javascript module.


import { meta, html } from "./README.md";

console.log('meta: ', meta);
console.log('html: ', html);

You will see following output in console:

{title: "Example title", layout: "post"}
"<p>This is another post, you can find more at <a href=\"https://google.es\">https://google.es</a></p>"


const md = require("./README.md");

console.log('md: ', md);

You will get the following output in console:

    meta: {title: "Example title", layout: "post"},
    html: "<p>This is another post, you can find more at <a href=\"https://google.es\">https://google.es</a></p>"

Enable code blocks with syntax highlight

Install the package 'markdown-it-highlightjs'

npm install --save-dev markdown-it-highlightjs

and include the required css styles in your pages

import 'highlight.js/styles/default.css'

Now code blocks embedded in markdown document will be rendered with syntax highlight

Index all Markdown files in a directory

This feature is still not working properly until https://github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel/issues/112 in ParcelJs is fixed.

I will explain how this is currently implemented, but this feature most likely will evolve.

const index = require("./index.blog");

for (const post of index) {
    const dir = post.dir || '.';
    const postPath = dir + '/' + post.base;
        .then(imported => console.log(imported))
        .catch(error => console.error(error));

Let's say index.blog file content is as follows:

    "title": "My Blog",
    "postsFolder": "/home/my/posts",
    "author": "carlosvin@gmail.com"

Following code snippet is supposed to lazy load al the Markdown files in /home/my/posts and print them to console.

Expected output:

        html: "<p>First post found in folder</p>",
        meta: { 
            author: "author@example.com",
            title: "Post 1"  
        html: "<p>Second post found in folder</p>",
        meta: { 
            layout: "micro",
            title: "Post 2"  

This feature would ease the implementation of a simple static site generator.

When this feature is properly working, I will most likely extend it to support static site generation.