1.1.1 • Published 10 years ago

parcel-processor v1.1.1

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Last release
10 years ago


write asset files to a package directory given an entry point

build status


Given an entry point on process.argv[2], create a browserify bundle and write the inline assets to opts.dst:

var copier = require('parcel-processor');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var path = require('path');
var file = path.resolve(process.argv[2]);

copier(browserify(file), {
    keys: [ 'style' ],
    dst: __dirname + '/dst'


var copier = require('parcel-processor')

var cp = copier(b, opts)

Given a browserify instance b and some options opts, copy asset files from the parcel-map output to the destination opts.dst.

The options are:

  • opts.dst - the destination root to start writing package files at
  • opts.keys - array of keys for parcel-map to read from the package.json
  • opts.defaults - object of default values passed directly through to parcel-map

The return value is an event emitter cp with some events documented below.


cp.on('bundle.css', function (file) {})

When the concatenated css bundle has been written, this event fires with the file path.

cp.on('bundle.js', function (file) {})

When the concatenated js bundle has been written, this event fires with the file path.

cp.on('package', function (pkg) {})

This event fires when a package is being written.

pkg has these properties:

  • pkg.isParcel - whether the package is a parcel
  • pkg.package - the package.json contents
  • pkg.assets - an array of assets paths declared in pkg
  • pkg.id - the package.json identifier from parcel-map
  • pkg.files - an object mapping the opts.keys types to arrays of matching file paths for each type
  • pkg.path - the path to the package root containing a package.json
  • pkg.dependencies - an array of dependency ids that pkg depends on
  • pkg.hash - the hash name used for the asset directory

Example pkg output:

{ package: 
   { view: 'view.html',
     main: 'main.js',
     style: '*.css',
     __dirname: '/home/substack/projects/parcel-processor/example/views/page1' },
  assets: [ '/home/substack/projects/parcel-processor/example/views/page1/x.css' ],
  id: '2814e2ae0d4b530be5c8adee15a7d5ce16246f96',
  files: { style: [ '/home/substack/projects/parcel-processor/example/views/page1/x.css' ] },
  path: '/home/substack/projects/parcel-processor/example/views/page1',
  dependencies: [],
  hash: '5c1f45e9747e602cfcda7c2b390b6779d11acb80' }

cp.on('map', function (map) {})

This event fires when the asset map from parcel-map is available.

cp.on('done', function () {})

When the package and all dependent packages are completely written, this event fires.


With npm do:

npm install parcel-processor
