1.3.7 • Published 6 years ago

parcello v1.3.7

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Last release
6 years ago


Parcello is a build tool for ES6 projects. It uses gulp, babel, rollup and some custom plugins to build code and manage dependencies.


Parcello was originally built to organize my own projects. It's still a work in progress and very much a minimum viable product created to avoid copy/pasting build code between projects.


npm install parcello -g


parcello --help

Provides a list of commands and options available, along with brief descriptions of the available functionality.

parcello init

Initializes a project by creating folders, copying over templates, and adding configuration information to the current working directory package.json. init will ask a series of questions with best-guess defaults. If you're unsure about any question, you can type --? during the prompt of the qestion for more information.

parcello dev

Builds only source, source maps, and external dependency links. Does not minify the build output or produce polyfills.

parcello prod

Builds source, source maps, external dependency links, minifies the output and produces polyfills.

Both parcello prod and parcello dev can be used with the following switches:

  • --version, -v <n.n.n> builds a specific version of the project. usage: parcello dev --version 1.0.1

  • --profile, -p sets the build profile to use during the current build. The build profile is defined in the parcello key within the project's package.json. the config section below contains more details on these configurations.

  • --es6 does not transform ES6 to ES5 during the build process usage: parcello dev --es6

parcello doc

Builds doc files and produces an HTML doc output. TBA/Unimplemented.

parcello test

Builds test files and runs tests. TBA/Unimplemented.


Configuration is mostly handled with the parcello init command and questions. More detailed configuration can be achieved by editing package.json. After parcello init, the NPM config file should contain a parcello key. Config details are as follows:

    // the namespace for the project. 
    // used for dependencies and API exposure.
    "namespace": "Example",
    // name of the profile
	"folders": {
		// folder housing all source
		"source": "source",
		// the name of the output folder for a build
		//actual output will be inside /build/version
		"build": "build",
	    // any dependency not within node_modules
	    // the folder where repos will be cloned into
		"dependency": "dependencies",
		// name of the output folder for external dependency links
		"external": "external",
		// folder housing all tests
		"tests": "tests",
		// folder housing all documentation
		"documentation": "documentation"
	"default": {  
		// extensions to search for during the build process
		"extensions": [
		// source settings
		"source": {
		    // API/entry file that deep links to the rest of the source
			"file": "",
			// append external dependency link code
			"auto-externalize": true
	    // build settings
		"build": {
		    // the name of the output file for a build
		    // maps will be example.js.map, min will be example.min.js
			"file": "example.js"
		//dependency settings
		"dependency": {
			// install options for other package managers
			// if it's a boolean, enables/disables installing
			// if it's an object, adds parameters:
			// see https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-install
			"install": {
				"npm": true,
				"bower": true,
				"tsd": true,
				"typings": true,
				"composer": true,
				"pip": true,
				// not included in gulp-install
				// works with the repos settings
				"git": true
			// repos that will be cloned on install
			"repos": {
			   //folder name where remote will be cloned to
              "JSUI": {
                // git repo url
                "remote": "https://github.com/Hedzer/JSUI",
                // does it require authentication?
                "private": true,
                // the state of the repo to checkout
                "checkout": "313ab334bb4..."
			// sources to remap
			// remapped sources can point any dependency A to B
			"remap": {
			    // import X from '/Project/A/trim';
			    // now acts like:
			    // import X from '/Example/B/trim';
			    "/Project/A": "/Example/B"
			// dependency search settings
			"search": {
			    // should a search be conducted?
				"active": true,
				// should search results be cached?
				"cache": true,
				// what folders should be searched
				// these are in order of priority 
				"folders": [
			// external dependency settings
			"external": {
			    // JSUI will no longer be built with this project
			    // External dependency links will be used instead
			    "JSUI": true
		// external dependency link settings
		"external": {
			// files to ignore when creating external dependency links
			"ignore": [],
			// files to copy instead of link
			"copy": []
		// test settings
		"tests": {},
		// documentation settings
		"documentation": {}
	// profile to use for version 1.0.1, inherits default
	"1.0.1": {},
	// profile to use for version 1.0.2, inherits profile+1.0.1
	"1.0.2": {},
	// another profile, selectable with --profile P64, inherits default
	"P64": {}


External Dependency Links

There are cases where, when building a project, we wouldn't want to roll all the dependencies into the final build. Some dependencies are imported through other means. If the Lambosta library was a dependency of the current build, but was loaded as a standalone library, we wouldn't want to build another copy into the current project on top of loading it externally. This might look something like this in the browser:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="Lambosta.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="MyProject.js"></script>

Now, if we don't link Lambosta as external, we'll have two copies. One imported through the <script> tag and another rolled into MyProject.js. To avoid this external dependency links exist. The build process automatically generates external links. To use them source code must have the following. Let's assume we have a file,

// file: /Lambosta/source/1.0.0/util/capitalize.js
import exports from '/Parcello/exports';

export default function capitalize(text) {
	return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);


an automatically generated external dependency link for the above file would look like the following:

// file: /Lambosta/external/1.0.0/util/capitalize.js
import imports from '/Parcello/imports';

let imported = imports('/Lambosta/source/1.0.0/util/capitalize');

export default imported;

usage in MyProject would be normal.

import capitalize from '/Lambosta/source/1.0.0/util/capitalize';

export default function boop(snoot) {
	console.log('The following snoot has been booped: ', capitalize(snoot));

if Lambosta is set as an external dependecy, the build will include /Lambosta/external/1.0.0/util/capitalize.js instead of the actual file. This also means that in order for these links to work, source code requires the following lines to exist:

// file: /Lambosta/source/1.0.0/util/capitalize.js
import exports from '/Parcello/exports';
// source
// export default module;

without exporting using the /Parcello/exports module the external link ceases to work. The author of the library being consumed has to have made the code ready to be used as an external dependency link.


default command

Using parcello alone in the command line results in the same command as parcello dev with the latest version selected. ES6 is transformed to ES5. default profile is selected unless one matching the semantic version exists.

automatic profile selection

If no profile is selected, a default will be chosen. If there is a profile with the same name as the selected source version, it will be used. If the source version is a semantic version, it will inherit from previous profiles with semantic version names. If these searches fail, default will be used. e.g. If source version Raspberry is chosen, and there exists a profile called Raspberry, then that profile will be chosen. If there is no identically named profile, default will be chosen.

version selection

If no version is selected, the latest valid semantic version is the default.

semantic version profiles

Each semantic version profile inherits from the previous one, and the first one inherits from default.


auto source externalizing

Controlled by profile.source.auto-externalize = true/false. This setting injects the following into the source. It has not yet been safely implemented.

import exports from '/Parcello/exports';
default testing framework

None is selected so far, and no build process has been established yet.

documentation framework

Is still on the process of being built.