parse-database-url v0.3.0
DATABASE_URL parser for node.js
This is an npm package that parses database
configurations passed in as URLs. This is typically useful in Heroku
deployments, where the database configuration is given in the DATABASE_URL
environment variable.
Supported Platforms
This library is tested against the following platforms.
Keep in mind that the versions above are not hard requirements.
Installation and Usage
The preferred installation method is to add the library to the dependencies
section in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"parse-database-url": "*"
Alternatively, npm
can be used to install the library directly.
npm install parse-database-url
Once the library is installed, require
-ing it returns the function that
parses URLs.
var parseDbUrl = require("parse-database-url");
And you can use that to parse URLs :)
var dbConfig = parseDbUrl(process.env["DATABASE_URL"]);
The library comes with unit tests. Please make sure they pass before submitting a pull request.
npm install
npm test
If you modify the parser, please add test cases showing your changes to test/parse_cases.json.
Copyright and License
The library is Copyright (c) 2013 Victor Costan, and distributed under the MIT License.