0.1.2 • Published 2 years ago

parse-near-auth-adapter v0.1.2

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2 years ago

Near wallet Auth Adapter for parse server

This package allows parse users to login using their near wallets


npm i parse-near-auth-adapter

or if you prefer yarn

yarn add parse-near-auth-adapter


  1. Add NearAuthAdapter to your parse server options
const { NearAuthAdapter } = require("parse-near-auth-adapter");

const parseServerApi = new ParseServer({
  auth: {
    NearAuthAdapter: {
      module: NearAuthAdapter,
      tokenValidity: 10000, // how long a signToken is valid in milis (default 15seconds)
      connectionConfig: {
        networkId: "testnet", // if main net change this to main net
        nodeUrl: "https://rpc.testnet.near.org", // change to match network id
        walletUrl: "https://wallet.testnet.near.org", // change to match network id
        helperUrl: "https://helper.testnet.near.org", // change to match network id
        explorerUrl: "https://explorer.testnet.near.org", // change to match network id
  1. Setup Cloud code
const { setupNearAuthAdapterCloudCode } = require("parse-near-auth-adapter");

// setup your other cloud functions
setupNearAuthAdapterCloudCode(); // this will set one cloud function used to generate tokens

You are all set now, you can start using it on clients

Client side example (Linking Users)

import * as nearAPI from "near-api-js";
import { sha256 } from "js-sha256";

// we assume you already signin to near wallet via  wallet.requestSignIn()
// we assume Parse user is already signin
const linkWallet = async () => {
  const currentWallet = {
    accountId: walletConnection.getAccountId(),
    balance: (await walletConnection.account().state()).amount,
  // this means the near wallet is not connected to your website (use the near requestSignin to connect near wallet to your website)
  if (!currentWallet?.accountId) return;

  const res = await Parse.Cloud.run("getNearSignToken", { walletId: currentUser?.accountId }).catch((error) => {
    // handle error
  // this is the token that needs to be signed
  const token = res?.data?.get("token");

  // get the signer from the wallet connection
  const signer = (await wallet.account()).connection.signer;
  // get the keyPar for the signer
  const key = await signer.keyStore.getKey(nearConfig.networkId, currentUser.accountId);
  // sha256 the token to prepare for signing
  const digestedToken = new Uint8Array(sha256.array(token));

  // sign using the key pair
  const signed = await key.sign(digestedToken, currentUser.accountId, nearConfig.networkId);

  // get string representation of public key
  const publicKey = key.publicKey.toString();
  // get hex representation of the signature
  const signature = Buffer.from(signed.signature).toString("hex");
  // id is the connected near wallet accountId
  const id = currentUser.accountId;

  // more details on the please visit:
  // https://docs.parseplatform.org/js/guide/#linking-users
  // The NearAuthAdapter expects this authdata
  const authData = { publicKey, signature, id, token };

  let provider;
  provider = {
    authenticate: (options) => {
      options.success(provider, { ...authData });
    restoreAuthentication() {
      return true;

    getAuthType() {
      return "NearAuthAdapter";

    getAuthData() {
      return {
        authData: {

  // get current logged in Parse User
  const user = await Parse.User.currentAsync();
  // register the provider to allow linking
  await Parse.User._registerAuthenticationProvider(provider);
  // link user with the provider
  await user.linkWith(provider.getAuthType(), authData).catch((error) => {
    // handle error
  // check if linked
  user._isLinked(provider); // should be true

Client side example (Login)

const login = async () => {
  const currentWallet = {
    accountId: walletConnection.getAccountId(),
    balance: (await walletConnection.account().state()).amount,
  // this means the near wallet is not connected to your website (use the near requestSignin to connect near wallet to your website)
  if (!currentWallet?.accountId) return;

  // call cloud function to get a fresh token
  const res = await Parse.Cloud.run("getNearSignToken", { walletId: currentUser?.accountId }).catch((error) => {
    // handle error
  // this is the token that needs to be signed
  const token = res?.data?.get("token");

  // get the signer from the wallet connection
  const signer = (await wallet.account()).connection.signer;
  // get the keyPar for the signer
  const key = await signer.keyStore.getKey(nearConfig.networkId, currentUser.accountId);
  // sha256 the token to prepare for signing
  const digestedToken = new Uint8Array(sha256.array(token));

  // sign using the key pair
  const signed = await key.sign(digestedToken, currentUser.accountId, nearConfig.networkId);

  // get string representation of public key
  const publicKey = key.publicKey.toString();
  // get hex representation of the signature
  const signature = Buffer.from(signed.signature).toString("hex");
  // id is the connected near wallet accountId
  const id = currentUser.accountId;

  // more details on the please visit:
  // https://docs.parseplatform.org/js/guide/#linking-users
  // The NearAuthAdapter expects this authdata
  const authData = { publicKey, signature, id, token };

  const user = await Parse.User.LogInWith("NearAuthAdapter", {
  }).catch((error) => {
    // handle error
    // probably no linked wallet , or signature mismatch
  if (user) {
    // user is the currently logged in user

How Does it work ?

The Near Auth adapter is simple and straight forward, these are the steps

  1. client requests a token (the token is a randomly generated base64Url string)
  2. client hashes the token using sha256 and then sign it through the near-js-api
  3. client sends to Parse Server the near accountId, publicKey as string (from the pair that signed the token), the token as string, and a hex string representation of the signature
  4. Parse server will check the following and only link/login if all pass:
    • the provided publicKey is actually a valid accessKey that belongs the provided near accountID
    • The token is a valid token generated by parse server and is not older than 5 minutes
    • the signature is valid


Project is distributed under MIT license.


Contributions are welcomes


This adapter was made possible by agoraneos


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago