1.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

parse-server-mailjet-adapter v1.1.0

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Last release
7 years ago


Used to send Parse Server password reset emails through Mailjet


npm install parse-server-mailjet-adapter --save


var api = new ParseServer({
  // Your apps name. This will appear in the subject and body of the emails that are sent.
  appName: "My application",
  // The options for the email adapter
  emailAdapter: {
    module: "parse-server-mailjet-adapter",
    options: {
      // The API key from your Mailjet account
      apiKey: "YOUR_MAILJET_API_KEY",
      // The API secret from your Mailjet account
      apiSecret: "YOUR_MAILJET_API_SECRET",
      // The email to send Mailjet templates bug reports to
      apiErrorEmail: "bugreport@yourdomain.com",
      // The email address that your emails come from
      fromEmail: "noreply@yourdomain.com",
      // The name do display as the sender (optional)
      fromName: "The sender name",
      // Parameters for the reset password emails
      // The subject of the email to reset the password
      passwordResetSubject: "Reset My Password",
      // Set it to use a template with your Mailjet account.
      // This is the id of the template to use.
      passwordResetTemplateId: 12345,
      // If you do not use template, you can set the plain text part here
      passwordResetTextPart: "Hi,\n\nYou requested to reset your password for {{var:appName}}.\n\nPlease, click here to set a new password: {{var:link}}",
      // If you do not use template, you can set the html part here
      passwordResetHtmlPart: "Hi,<p>You requested to reset your password for <b>{{var:appName}}</b>.</p><p>Please, click here to set a new password: {{var:link}}</p>",
      // Parameters for the email verification emails
      // The subject of the email to reset the password
      verificationEmailSubject: "Verify your email",
      // Set it to use a template with your Mailjet account.
      // This is the id of the template to use.
      verificationEmailTemplateId: 67890,
      // If you do not use template, you can set the plain text part here
      verificationEmailTextPart: "Hi,\n\nYou are being asked to confirm the e-mail address {{var:email}} with {{var:appName}}\n\nClick here to confirm it: {{var:link}}",
      // If you do not use template, you can set the html part here
      verificationEmailHtmlPart: "Hi,<p>You are being asked to confirm the e-mail address {{var:email}} with <b>{{var:appName}}</b></p><p>Click here to confirm it: {{var:link}}</p>",
      // Optional: A callback function that returns the options used for sending
      // verification and password reset emails. The returned options are merged
      // with this options object.
      // If needed, this function can also return a promise for an options object.
      getIndividualOptions: function(targetOpts) {
        var toMail = targetOpts.to || (targetOpts.user && targetOpts.user.get("email"));
        if (toMail === "queen@buckingham.palace") {
          return {
            passwordResetSubject: "Please reset your password your Highness"
        return {}

The variables {{var:appName}}, {{var:email}} and {{var:link}} are automatically replaced with the name you provided for your application, the email of the user and the link to reset the password or to verify the email.


7 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago