1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

pass-scene v1.0.0

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Last release
8 years ago


Generating memorable passwords is a hard problem. Perhaps the best available current option is diceware, which generates fairly short, fairly memorable passphrases. But, if you don't care about length, could you generate more memorable phrases for use by everyday people?

Pass-scenes are an attempt to create a more meaningful passphrase generator by using templates for different parts of speech and kinds of words, derived from Princeton's WordNet database. You can view a demo here, or install it as an npm module and try it out for yourself.

There's some significant future work to do here, mainly:

  • Allow tuning the rarity/entropy of each word
  • Use a better source of word types (Wikipedia categories or DBpedia, maybe)
  • Allow inflecting the words ({nouns}, {nouning}) so that the phrase generation is more natural


To use as a module: npm install pass-scene


> var scene = require('pass-scene')
> scene('{noun.time} is the time for all {adj.pert} {noun}s to come to the {noun.act} of their {noun.location}')
'twentieth century is the time for all testaceous drumbeats to come to the cremation of their epicentre'
> scene('{verb}ing {verb}s {noun}s')
'dogfighting unscrews casebooks'
> scene.entropy('{verb}ing {verb}s {noun}s')