0.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

passport-etsy v0.1.0

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9 years ago


Etsy (OAuth) authentication strategy for Passport and Node.js.


$npm install passport-etsy


I. Obtain App Credentials:

Etsy Developer Portal

II. Configure Strategy

The Etsy authentication strategy uses an Etsy account and OAuth tokens to authenticate users. It requires:

  1. A consumerKey, consumerSecret, and callbackURL, and

  2. A verify callback that accepts these credentials and provides the user to done

passport.use(new EtsyStrategy({
    consumerKey: 'YOUR_KEY_GOES_HERE',
    consumerSecret: 'YOUR_SECRET_GOES_HERE',
    callbackURL: ''
  function (token, tokenSecret, profile, done){
    User.findOrCreate({etsyID: profile.id})

III. Authenticate Requests

You can authenticate requests using passport.authenticate() and specifying the 'etsy' strategy.

In an Express application, create route middleware as follows:

app.get('/auth/etsy', passport.authenticate('etsy'));

app.get('/auth/etsy/callback', passport.authenticate('etsy', {
  failureRedirect: '/login'
  successRedirect: '/home'
Scope parameters

Etsy auth requests can include multiple scope request parameters. While you can authenticate as above without adding scope, doing so reduces the amount of actions you can take with the Etsy API.

app.get('/auth/etsy', passport.authenticate('etsy', {
  scope: ['profile_r', 'email_r', 'listings_r', 'profile_w']

Module Structure

This module's package.json uses seeks code in its dist folder. Source is in the lib folder.

The project was scaffolded using Yeoman/generator-node.

It uses gulp build system, so you can execute:


Before running gulp-test, please gulp-prepublish, as tests are applied to compiled sources in dist.

After running gulp-test, you can find coverage reports in the coverage folder

Using the Provided Examples

Before trying gulp-serve, please:

  1. Provide your Etsy credentials (keystring, secret) to the example code. You may:
  • Insert them in the etsyCredentials function of examples/login/config/passport.config.js, or
  • Follow the instructions in examples/login/trialdata/README.md
  1. If you have changed the code in lib, execute gulp-prepublish to repopulate dist with your changes.

Additional Information:


Anwar Hahj Jefferson-George: Github | Google+


MIT License