1.0.7 • Published 7 years ago

passport-mhealthlabs v1.0.7

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7 years ago

Provides support for labs-login server private for uphs health system

There is a sessions middleware (called sessionsMiddleware) and passport.

There are three steps to getting it working. 1) Set up passport with your oauth credentials and pass in your apps url and database 2) Set up a collection in mongodb to store your sessions. (This is optional. You can use an alternative session system if you prefer, but this one works with mongodb and express-session) 3) Use the above in your app 4) Add the /login, /logout and callback paths to your app

in lib/passport.js

import { mhealthPassport } from 'passport-mhealthlabs';
import { myDatabase } from './databases';
import { mhealthId, mhealthSecret, rootURL } from 'configs';

export default mhealthPassport({
  usersCollection: myDatabase.users //the collection you have for users

in lib/sessions.js

  import { sessionsMiddleware } from 'passport-mhealthlabs';

  export default sessionsMiddleware({
    dbURI: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/' + myDatabase,
    collection: 'userSessions', // collection to store sessions in
    secret: 'asecret' //a random string, should be unique per app. see express-session documentation

in server.js

  import express from 'express';
  import passport from './lib/passport';
  import sessions from './lib/sessions'; //middleware

  const app = express();

  //define the login, logout and callback routes. code below can be used
  app.get('/login', passport.authenticate('oauth2'));
  app.get('/users/auth/mhealth/callback', passport.authenticate('oauth2', {
    successRedirect: '/loggedIn', //logged in path  
    failureRedirect: '/'  //path for signing in or root path
  app.get('/logout', (req, res, next) => {
    if (req.session && req.session.destroy) {
      console.log('destroyed session');
  // to require authentication on any path, just include sessions as middleware
  app.use('/loggedIn', sessions, loggedInController);
  app.use('/public', publicController); // paths without sessions will not require authentication

Use in your own middleware/routes

  • user can be obtained in middleware with req.user or req.session. See documentation of express-session