1.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

passport-salesforce-instance v1.1.0

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Salesforce instance authentication strategy for Passport with passing req and variable host. Main goal of this package is login to concrete salesforce instance. It could be sandbox, dev org, custom domain org, etc.

Package includes its TypeScript Definitions


npm install passport-salesforce-instance


// auth.ts
import passport from 'passport';
import { Strategy as SalesforceStrategy } from 'passport-salesforce-instance';

// Add Strategy
  new SalesforceStrategy(
      host: (_req, options) =>
        options.host ??
        // fallback in case no instance founded
        (isSandbox ? 'https://test.salesforce.com' : 'https://login.salesforce.com'),
      clientID: 'your-sf-clientId',
      clientSecret: 'your-sf-clientSecret',
      callbackURL: 'your-cbUrl',
    async (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) => {
      try {
        // Find user
        let user = await User.find({
          sf_id: profile.user_id,
          sf_org_id: profile.organization_id,

        if (user) {
          // Update user
          user.sf_token_access_token = accessToken;
          user.sf_token_refresh_token = refreshToken;
          user.name = profile.name;
          user.email = profile.email;
          user.nickname = profile.nickname;
        } else {
          // Create user
          user = new User({
            sf_token_access_token: accessToken,
            sf_token_refresh_token: refreshToken,
            name: profile.name,
            email: profile.email,
            sf_id: profile.user_id,
            sf_org_id: profile.organization_id,

        await user.save();

        return cb(null, user);
      } catch (e) {
        return cb(e, null);

// Way to look up host before request auth
export const withSfAuth = async (request, response, next) => {
  // Find salesforce instance host before auth
  const host = await someWayToLookupSfInstanceHost(request);

  // Create state of request passed in auth endpoint
  const state = {
    some: 'foo',

  return passport.authenticate('salesforce', {
    session: false,
    state: JSON.stringify(state),
  })(request, response, next);
// app.ts
import { withSfAuth } from './auth.ts';

app.get('/users/join/sf', withSfAuth, (req, res, next) => {

Strategy params

hosttrueundefinedString of Function typed as (req: Express.Reqest, options: AuthorizeOptions) => string, which contains host of Salesforce instance
clientIDtrueundefinedString with clientID of Salesforce app
clientSecrettrueundefinedString with clientSecret of Salesforce app
callbackURLtrueundefinedString with callback url of your app to handle Salesforce response. For usage example it will be <app host>/users/join/sf
authorizationURLfalse${host}/services/oauth2/authorizeUrl of Salesforce OAuth2 authorize page
tokenURLfalse${host}/services/oauth2/tokenUrl of Salesforce OAuth2 token api endpoint
isForceLoginfalsefalseView login form into authorize action. It will prevent automatic authorize of logged in users


npm run format # code fomatting
npm run lint # linting
npm run build # build
npm run test # testing

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