3.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

password-encrypted-overlay v3.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


Password encrypted overlay to Random Access modules


Create and write

var PasswordEncryptedOverlay = require('password-encrypted-overlay')
var raf = require('random-access-file') // or random-access-memory or ...

var passwordBuffer = // ... (preferably sodium SecureBuffer)
// Note that the passwordBuffer is "consumed" by the constructor, ie. it will
// be cleared when a key has been derived from the password. If you need to keep
// the password, you should copy it and pass in the copy

function onready (err, storage) {
  if (err) throw err

  storage.write(Buffer.from('My encrypted file'), function (err) {
    if (err) throw err

    storage = null


var PasswordEncryptedOverlay = require('password-encrypted-overlay')
var raf = require('random-access-file')

var passwordBuffer = // ... (preferably sodium SecureBuffer)
PasswordEncryptedOverlay.open(raf('./secret.enc'), passwordBuffer, function(err, storage) {
  if (err) throw err

  storage.read(function (err, buf) {
    if (err) throw err

    console.log(buf) // buf is sodium SecureBuffer, contains 'My encrypted file'


PasswordEncryptedOverlay.create(raf, password, {memlimit, opslimit}, cb(err, peo))

Create a new raf with the given hardness settings. Password must be a Buffer, optimally a SecureBuffer. password will be zero'ed out after it has been derived into a key. Please copy this if you want to manage the password after key derivation. Hardness settings determine the resources spent turning password into a encryption key. See the constants below for some predefined settings. memlimit is the number of bytes of memory used, rounded down to the nearest kilobyte. opslimit is the number of passes over the memory. Both must be Numbers and fit in a 32-bit unsigned integer.

PasswordEncryptedOverlay.open(raf, password, cb(err, peo))

Open a existing raf with encrypted with password. Password must be a Buffer, optimally a SecureBuffer. password will be zero'ed out after it has been derived into a key. Please copy this if you want to manage the password after key derivation.

peo.read(cb(err, secureBuf))

Read and decrypt into a SecureBuffer from the raf. If an err is given in the callback, the peo will have been destroyed before.

peo.write(buf, cb(err))

Encrypt and write a Buffer to the raf. This updates the settings and rotates the nonce. If an err is given in the callback, the peo will have been destroyed before.


Destroy the internal state, including zero'ing all internal data. Makes all other methods unusable hereafter

PasswordEncryptedOverlay.deriveKey(password, {memlimit, opslimit, nonce?}, cb(err, key, nonce))

Derive a key manually with an optional nonce. Useful if you want to compare passwords without storing the password itself.

const equal = PasswordEncryptedOverlay.compareKeys(k1, k2)

Compare two keys safely, in constant-time.


  • PasswordEncryptedOverlay.INTERACTIVE
    • PasswordEncryptedOverlay.MEMLIMIT_INTERACTIVE
    • PasswordEncryptedOverlay.OPSLIMIT_INTERACTIVE
  • PasswordEncryptedOverlay.MODERATE
    • PasswordEncryptedOverlay.MEMLIMIT_MODERATE
    • PasswordEncryptedOverlay.OPSLIMIT_MODERATE
  • PasswordEncryptedOverlay.SENSITIVE
    • PasswordEncryptedOverlay.MEMLIMIT_SENSITIVE
    • PasswordEncryptedOverlay.OPSLIMIT_SENSITIVE


npm install password-encrypted-overlay
