0.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

pebble-subscription-manager v0.0.0

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Last release
8 years ago


Module for creating watched based interfaces for managing subscriptions to timeline topics managed by your app.

How To Use:

1) Load the module with require:

var SubscriptionManager = require("subscription_manager");

2) Initialize module

The constructor takes the following arguments:

titlestring<empty string>The title used on the main screen.
iconstring<empty string>An icon to be used on the main screen.
subtitlestring<empty string>The subtitle to be used on the main screen.
bodystringPress the middle button to configure subscriptions.The body text to be used on the main screen.
unsubscribed_labelstringUnsubscribedThe label to be shown on the menu to indicate un-subscribed topics.
subscribed_labelstringSubscribedThe label to be shown on the menu to indicate subscribed topics.
reset_downclicks_requiredinteger3More on this below

The options can be passed in as parameters in the order above, or as a hash. Any null parameters or missing hash properties will be set to the default values.

var sm = new SubscriptionManager("My App",null,"Subscription Manager");
var sm = new SubscriptionManager({title: "My App", subtitle: "Subscription Manager"});

3) Add topics

A topic has the following properties:

idstring<empty string>The ID of the topic that will be used by your app to determine which pins to show.
titlestring<empty string>The name of the title that will be shown in the selection menu.
iconstring<empty string>An icon that can be shown next to the title in the selection menu.
subscribedbooleanfalseWhether or not to the topic is subscribed to by the user. You probably want to leave this as false when adding a topic.
subtitlestring<unsubscribed_label>What to show as the subtitle on the selection menu. You probably want to leave this as-is.

You can add a single topic by calling the addTopic method. Parameters can be specified individually in the order above, or as a hash. Any null parameters or missing hash properties will be set to the default values.

sm.addTopic({id: "sports-topic", title: "Sports"});

You can add multiple topics by passing in an array of topic hashes. This is equivalent to calling addTopic with each array item.

var topics = [
  {id: "sports-topic", title: "Sports"},
  {id: "history-topic", title: "History"}

4) Start it


This will kick off the initialization process, which pulls in a list of currently subscribed topics and sets them to true. This is why you probably don't want to specify the value of subscribed when adding a topic.

After that it will load the actual screens. The user presses the middle button on the first screen to be presented with a list of topics. Selecting a topic and then pressing the middle button will toggle the status of that subscription.


This is mainly for debugging, but there is no reason you can't expose it to users. When on the main screen, if you press the down button a certain number of times (see reset_downclicks_required) followed by a long-click of the middle button, you will be un-subscribed from all topics. If at any point in the down click process, you press another button, it will reset the click count.


The following app shows what the screens will look like:

eCribbage Tournaments