1.0.4 • Published 2 years ago

perchi v1.0.4

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Last release
2 years ago


perchi is the implementation of ciphers like Caesar or Vigenère in JavaScript.

Name 'perchi' is anagram: 'perchi' = 'cipher'


$ npm install perchi

Available ciphers

  • CaesarCipher
  • VigenereCipher
  • AtbashCipher
  • BaconCipher


You can use the perchi byimport-ing the module:

import CaesarCipher from "perchi";

or use require:

const { CaesarCipher } = require("perchi");

It returns collections of utility classes. Each cipher implementation has encrypt and decrypt methods which are synchronous. If you expect time consuming computation for example encrypting/decrypting long text you can use asynchronous methods: encryptAsync and decryptAsync. Some of ciphers has implemented breakCipher functions that break the code for example by brute-force atack. By default ciphers implementations use the following alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.

Example of Caesar cipher with left shift of 3:

CaesarCipher.encrypt("perchi is cool", -3);
// mbozef fp zlli

CaesarCipher.decrypt("mbozef fp zlli", -3);
// perchi is cool

Example of Atbash cipher with custom alphabet:

const polishAlphabet = "aąbcćdeęfghijklłmnńoóprsśtuwyzźż";

AtbashCipher.encrypt("Zażółć gęślą jaźń", polishAlphabet);
// Bżaimw rśęnź ożąk

AtbashCipher.decrypt("Bżaimw rśęnź ożąk", polishAlphabet);
// Zażółć gęślą jaźń


ISC © KamilPopczyk