1.5.7 • Published 2 years ago

perfect-giphy-searchbox v1.5.7

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Last release
2 years ago

Please note: This is custom fork of react-giphy-searchbox with updated version of react and some bug fixes.

React Giphy Searchbox is a powerful react component that returns Giphy's GIF or Stickers in a Masonry grid layout. Initially the component displays trending GIFs from Giphy's feed, when the the user starts typing something in the search field it switches to searched results. When an image is selected, a GIF object is returned.

Please note: Axios has been dropped in favor of the native window.fetch() method from version 1.3.0. Please keep in mind that if you need to support old browsers you have to add a global polyfill like github/fetch or developit/unfetch.


Play with a simple responsive demo on CodeSandbox

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Getting started


yarn add react-giphy-searchbox
npm install react-giphy-searchbox --save

Basic example

import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import ReactGiphySearchbox from 'react-giphy-searchbox'

const App = () => (
    apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY" // Required: get your on https://developers.giphy.com
    onSelect={item => console.log(item)}

render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"))


PropTypeDesc ß
apiKeystringREQUIRED: Giphy's API key. Get your on https://developers.giphy.com.
onSelectfunctionREQUIRED A callback which is triggered whenever a GIF is selected. It returns a Gif object in the format specified for an image from Giphy's API.
onSearchfunctionA callback which is triggered whenever a search is performed. It returns the searched text string.
libray'gifs' | 'stickers'Giphy's library: choose between gifs or stickers. Default: gifs
ratingstringFilters results by specified rating. Default: g
imageRenditionNamestringThe type of rendition to be used. Default: fixed_width_downsampled. Please be careful with this setting, loading high quality gifs inside the masonry can reduce the performances.
imageRenditionFileType'gif' | 'webp'The image type to be returned. Default: gif
gifPerPagenumberThe maximum number of images to return per page. Default: 20
autoFocusbooleanIf true, the search form input field is focused by default on startup. Default: false
masonryConfigarrayAn array of objects describing the masonry's properties at different breakpoints. See specific chapter for further info. Default: [{ columns: 2, imageWidth: 120, gutter: 5 }]
gifListHeightstringThe height of the returned GIF list. Default: 300px
messageErrorstringGeneric error message when APIs call fails. Default: Oops! Something went wrong. Please, try again.
messageLoadingstringLoading message only for accessibility purposes. Default: Loading...
messageNoMatchesstringMessage to tell users searched string returned empty array. Default: No matches found.
loadingImagestringIf you want to customize the loading spinner, use this prop to set an alternative src for the image.
poweredByGiphybooleanYou can choose to display or not display the Powered by Giphy badge at the bottom. Note that you need to show it if you want a production Api key from Giphy. Default: true
poweredByGiphyImagestringIf you want to customize the Powered by Giphy badge, use this prop to set an alternative src for the image.
searchPlaceholderstringSearch input placeholder. Default: Search for GIFs
wrapperClassNamestringAdditional CSS class for the <div> that wrap the whole component.
searchFormClassNamestringAdditional CSS class for the <form> element.
listWrapperClassNamestringAdditional CSS class for the <div> that wrap the GIFs list.
listItemClassNamestringAdditional CSS class for the <button> that wrap the single image.
imageBackgroundColorstringSet the Giphy's image item background color, useful when libray prop is set to stickers, since stickers have transparent background. Default: #eee
refanyAllows parent components pass down (i.e., “forward”) refs to their children, in this case it returns element with classname reactGiphySearchbox-listWrapper
externalCssbooleanRemoves all internal css Default: false

Responsive options

masonryConfig prop allow you to define responsiveness of the component. This prop accept an array of objects describing the masonry's properties at different breakpoints.

Each object in the array has the following properties:

mqstringThe minimum viewport width
columnsnumberThe number of vertical columns
imageWidthnumberThe width (in px) of the image, and consequentially of the column
gutternumberThe space (in px) between the columns
  { columns: 2, imageWidth: 140, gutter: 10 },
  { mq: '700px', columns: 3, imageWidth: 200, gutter: 10 },
  { mq: '1000px', columns: 4, imageWidth: 220, gutter: 10 },

When defining your properties, note the following:

  • properties must be listed smallest to largest breakpoints in a mobile first approach;
  • The size without the mq property is assumed to be your smallest breakpoint, and must appear first.


MIT. © 2021 Sergio Pedercini