3.5.1 • Published 6 months ago

perimeter81 v3.5.1

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Last release
6 months ago

Perimeter81 UI

This is a library of UI components and tools based on the Perimeter81 Design System.

P81 monorepo, using Nx.

The monorepo currently includes only the UI components library.

When you reference @perimeter_81/ui as an npm module into a project you can just import all needed components or tools like this:

import { Button, DataGrid, Loading, Typography, arrayMove } from '@perimeter_81/ui';


Simply clone repo and run npm install.

You can also install nx cli globally but it is not necessary.



husky will run lint and format on staged files before committing and will break on errors.

Commit names must follow Conventional Commits.

Its recommended to commit using npm run cz.


On PR to main the pipeline will run lint and tests on all affected projects and will break on errors.

About NX

Visit the Nx Documentation to learn more.

Update aws-assets

To update the aws-assets and use then inside stories run node ./scripts/fetch-aws-assets.mjs