0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

pg-lambda v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago


This package is an implementation of data transformational pipeline based on JSONata and PG for persistence 1. Que based Input and Output. 2. Timeouts for JSONata expressions. 3. Message persistence with postgres. 4. Can be used with H-Scaled services or with mutiple threads within a single process. 5. Pause and Resume execution.

Getting Started

  1. Install using npm i pg-lambda
  2. Require in your project. const QType = require('pg-lambda');
  3. Run postgres as local docker if required. docker run --name pg-12.4 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -e POSTGRES_DB=pg-queue -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:12.4-alpine
  4. Instantiate with a postgres readers and writers connection details.
  5. All done, Start using it!!.

Examples/Code snippets

A complete example can be found at here

  1. Initialize
const lambdaType = require('pg-lambda');
const QType = require('pg-que');
const pgp = require('pg-promise')();
pgp.pg.types.setTypeParser(20, BigInt); // This is for serialization bug of BigInts as strings.
pgp.pg.types.setTypeParser(1114, str => str); // UTC Timestamp Formatting Bug, 1114 is OID for timestamp in Postgres.
const defaultConectionString = "postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/pg-queue";
const readConfigParams = {
    connectionString: defaultConectionString,
    application_name: "Lambda-Reader",
    max: 4 //4 readers
const writeConfigParams = {
    connectionString: defaultConectionString,
    application_name: "Lambda-Writer",
    max: 2 //2 Writer
const pgReader = pgp(readConfigParams);
const pgWriter = pgp(writeConfigParams);
const inputQ = new QType("iBit", pgReader, pgWriter);
const outputQ = new QType("oBit", pgReader, pgWriter);
const runningAverageExpression = `{
const stateStore = { "readerPG": pgReader, "writerPG": pgWriter };
const BitFetcherLambda = new lambdaType("Bit", inputQ, outputQ, runningAverageExpression, stateStore);
  1. Start Processing
await BitFetcherLambda.startProcessing();
  1. Stop Processing
await BitFetcherLambda.stopProcessing()
  1. Dispose
await BitFetcherLambda.dispose();//Waits for current message processing to complete.

Built with

  1. Authors :heart: love :heart: for Open Source.
  2. pg-promise.
  3. jsonata Waiting on PR.
  4. pg-boot


  1. New ideas/techniques are welcomed.
  2. Raise a Pull Request.

Current Version:



This project is contrubution to public domain and completely free for use, view LICENSE.md file for details.