1.0.1 • Published 9 years ago
pg-schema v1.0.1
DEPRECATED - Try pg-metadata instead
create a schema object by querying the metadata tables of postresql
var connection = /* anything that exposes a .query('sql', params, function(err, results) {}) interface to a postgresql server */
var validate = require('validate-schema')
var pgSchema = require('pg-schema')
pgSchema(connection, /* tableName, schemaName, databaseName */, function(err, schema) {
Doing it yourself
instead of letting pgSchema run the query, you can run it yourself:
var pgSchema = require('pg-schema')
var validate = require('validate-schema')
var query = pgSchema.createQuery(/* tableName, ,schemaName, databaseName */)
// run the query and when you get the result set do:
var schema = pgSchema.createMetadataObject(resultSet, 'mytable')
validate({ mytable: { a: 1 }}, schema)
Please note that the schema object does not maintain information about database and database schema. Those are only used when query the meta data tables of the database
change schema output
sometimes you just want a table: { fields } result:
var connection = /* anything that exposes a .query('sql', params, function(err, results) {}) interface to a postgresql server */
var validate = require('validate-schema')
var pgSchema = require('pg-schema')
pgSchema(connection, 'mytable' /*,schemaName, databaseName*/, function(err, schema) {
console.log(schema) // { mytable: { a: 'varchar' }}
Earlier versions of this module were designed to work with validate-schema in the same way auto-schema does, but the newer ones is not
- Add an enhanced version with more details (this will not be compatible with pg-validate), maybe in a new module ?