0.0.1 • Published 7 years ago

pg-scratch v0.0.1

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Last release
7 years ago

Convenient way (for me) to test PostgreSQL code.


Assumes you've set up the right environment variables to connect to the PostgreSQL server of your choice. Something like:

$ export PGHOST=localhost PGUSER=alice PGDATABASE=alicedev PGPASSWORD=3e9f98b93350b90dd7ab88c2d94c172b0061c2a8f55b48b1
$ psql
psql (9.6.3)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.


and of course

$ npm install --save pg-scratch

Using it

In your test code, instead of

const pg = require('pg')

const pool = new pg.Pool()
await pool.end()


const pgscr = require('pg-scratch')

const pool = new pgscr.Pool()
await pool.end()

and you'll get a new, fresh, clean, empty, pure, and beautiful database, every time.

What if I want to look at the scratch database?

You can pass {keep: true} if you want that database left around. Otherwise it'l be dropped when you call pool.end(). Or you can crash before calling pool.end().

This line will get you in psql looking at the most recent scratch database you left around:

$ $(psql -t -c "select concat('psql -d ', datname, '') from pg_database where datname ~ 'scratch_db_.*' order by datname desc limit 1;")

To drop all those databases:

$ psql -t -c "select concat('drop database ', datname, ';') from pg_database where datname ~ 'scratch_db_\d+_\d+';" | psql

Hopefully it wont also drop database containing all your important stuff because of some bug in my code.

Or you can do that in JS like this:

 await pgscratch.cleanup()

Actually, if you leave a lot of these around, you'll eventually get a collision, since they're named with the process id. But you wouldn't want to be leaving them around like that, I'm pretty sure.