0.2.6 • Published 1 year ago

pgtozod v0.2.6

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An opinionated utility script designed to generate Zod schemas from PostgreSQL tables. It connects to a PostgreSQL database, retrieves table schema information, and generates corresponding Zod schemas.

These generated schemas are useful for form validation, schemas are generated for both inserting and updating,

I mainly create this to save time creating and configuring up zod schemas from my Sveltekit which uses SuperForms easy form management.

There is plenty of room for improvement:

  • Support for other databases
  • More modular code
  • Handle more datatypes and default values
  • Improve error handling
  • Improve argument handling

Feel free to contribute, fork or post an issue...

Getting Started

To get started with this npm package, first ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. Once that's done, you can install the package in your terminal.


npm install -g pgtozod


You can use pgtozod by running the following command:

pgtozod --table <table_name> [--exclude-defaults] [--nullable] [--schema <schema_name>] [--output <output_path>] [--reset] [--help] [--ver]

Replace <table_name> with the name of the table you want to generate a schema for. If you want to generate schemas for all tables, use all as the table name.


  • -t, --table <name>: Specify the table name. Use 'all' to generate schemas for all tables. This option is required.
  • -e, --exclude-defaults: Exclude database columns that have a default value configured. This option is optional.
  • -n, --nullable: Include nullable columns. This option is optional.
  • -s, --schema <name>: Specify the schema name. The default value is 'public'. This option is optional.
  • -o, --output <path>: Specify the output path. The default value is './schemas'. This option is optional.

Additional commands

  • -r, --reset: Set new database connection details. This option is optional.
  • -h, --help: Show command help.
  • -v, --ver: Get current version.


Generate a schema for the 'users' table:

pgtozod --table users

Generate a schema for the 'users' table and include nullable columns:

pgtozod --table users --nullable

Generate a schema for the 'users' table in the 'public' schema:

pgtozod --table users --schema public

Generate a schema for the 'users' table and output it to the './schemas' directory:

pgtozod --table users --output ./schemas

Datatype Support

pgtozod currenty supports the following coversions. Note that zodDateOnly and zodUtcDate are custom types that will be included in the generated output.

PostgreSQL Data TypeConverted ToSupported Default Values
integerz.number()Any numeric value, direct number format (e.g., default 1)
bigintz.number()Any numeric value, direct number format (e.g., default 1)
numericz.number()Any numeric value, direct number format (e.g., default 1)
smallintz.number()Any numeric value, direct number format (e.g., default 1)
double precisionz.number()Any numeric value, direct number format (e.g., default 1)
booleanz.boolean()true, false
character varyingz.string()Any string value, minimum length of 1
textz.string()Any string value, minimum length of 1
characterz.string()Any string value, specific length (e.g., character(5))
datezodDateOnlynow()::date, current_date, ('now'::text)::date, 'YYYY-MM-DD'::date
timestamp with time zonezodUtcDate(now() at time zone 'utc'::text), now(), current_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS'::timestamp with time zone
enum typesz.enum()Any value from the enum, default value from the enum
array typesz.array()Not specified
uuidzodUUIDNot specified
otherz.unknown()Not specified

Custom schema types


  • It checks if the input value is a Date object.
  • If the input is a Date object, it transforms it into UTC format. This is done by creating a new Date object with the year, month, date, hours, minutes, and seconds of the input date in UTC.
  • If the input is not a Date object, it adds an issue to the context with a custom error message.
  • If no value is provided, it defaults to the current date and time.


export const zodUtcDate = z
  .custom((val) => val instanceof Date, { message: "Must be a Date object" })
  .transform((arg: unknown, ctx: RefinementCtx) => {
    if (arg instanceof Date) {
      // Convert the date to UTC
      return new Date(
    return ctx.addIssue({
      code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom,
      message: "Must be a Date object",
  .default(() => new Date());


This schema checks if the input value is a Date object representing a date without a time component. This means the hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds of the date are all zero. If the input is not a Date object or if it has a time component, it returns false.


export const zodDateOnly = z.custom<Date>(
  (value) => {
    if (!(value instanceof Date)) {
      return false;

    return (
      value.getHours() === 0 &&
      value.getMinutes() === 0 &&
      value.getSeconds() === 0 &&
      value.getMilliseconds() === 0
  { message: "Expected a date without time component" }

zodUUID: It checks if the input value is a string and matches the UUID format.

  • If the input is not a string or does not match the UUID format, it adds an issue to the context with a custom error message.

  • The error message includes a readable name for the UUID, which is provided as a parameter to the zodUUID function.


export const zodDateOnly = z.custom<Date>(
  (value) => {
    if (!(value instanceof Date)) {
      return false;

    return (
      value.getHours() === 0 &&
      value.getMinutes() === 0 &&
      value.getSeconds() === 0 &&
      value.getMilliseconds() === 0
  { message: "Expected a date without time component" }

This custom schema type can be used to validate UUIDs in your data. The readableName parameter allows you to customize the error message for better readability and understanding.


The first time you run pgtozod, you will be prompted to enter your PostgreSQL database connection details. These details will be saved in a configuration file in your home directory. If you want to reset these details, run pgtozod with only the --reset option.

The configuration file includes the following details:

  "DB_USER": "<USER>",
  "DB_HOST": "<HOST>",
  "DB_PORT": "5432"


When the process exits, any database connections will be released.

Built Using


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


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