1.1.2 • Published 2 years ago

phil-lib v1.1.2

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Last release
2 years ago

phil-lib: A blazingly fast TypeScript library.

A collection of useful odds and ends. Many of these come from stack overflow, but I'm tired of looking them up and adding TypeScript annotations each time I need them.

API Docs

Build Instructions

Manually bump the package version number in package.json. Then run npm update to copy that version number into package-lock.json.

Then type:

npx typedoc *.ts
git add .
git commit
git push
npm publish

Test Instructions

NPM Link

I've never gotten this to work quite right.

In this directory: npm link

In the main / test program directory: npm link phil-lib

Special instructions if the main program uses vite: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67964556/cant-support-npm-link-added-local-package-in-vite-cli


Sometimes I push to GitHub, but I don't publish to npm. Then I run npm install https://github.com/TradeIdeasPhilip/phil-lib in the main / test program directory. Then I build and run the main program to test this library.

This means that people who install from the npm repository will only get things that have been tested. But I still have to publish untested code to GitHub.

Local Testing

I like the alternate format, described below, because it allowed me to make changes to the main program and the library at the same time. I could build and test everything locally, before committing, publishing, or otherwise sharing anything. npm link is aimed at local testing, but I have multiple problems trying to use it.

Alternate Format

If you don't like npm see https://github.com/TradeIdeasPhilip/lib.


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago