0.2.0 • Published 9 years ago
pic2svg v0.2.0
Provide a library rendering GNU PIC content into svg.
x provide a library function doing this x provide a commandline tool doing this provide a function, which can be added to expect server, rendering the file on server and return the svg provide a server-side script to render graphs
Default font is Helvetica
, see http://infohost.nmt.edu/tcc/soft/plotutils/plotutils_10.html#SEC67
for possible fonts.
Install Dependencies
There is a tool which installs all dependencies on Debian based systems and on OSX using homebrew (this is not tested yet, I do not have an OSX machine, so feedback welcome)
$ pic2svg-install-tools
pic2svg = require('pic2svg').pic2svg;
pic2svg('box "Hello World" ; arrow ; circle "?"'); // returns svg
graphviz2svg.digraph2svg('A -> B ; B -> C ; C -> A', {pic_font: 'Times'}); // --> returns svg
// install all tools needed
pic2svg_install = require('pic2svg/install')