1.1.4 • Published 4 years ago

pile-de-la-honte v1.1.4

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


A npm cli app built with typescript about not played boardgames. You can list the unplayed games (by number of players and playing time) or simply ask to display a random number of unplayed games filtered according to your preferences.

Things to know

  • You need to download the boargame list csv and game records csv from https://www.myludo.fr/ (Mon compte -> Exporter) or create it manually.
  • At launch, if no CSV file has already been given (it's the case at first use), the application will allow you to explore your file system to find them.
  • A file will be created in your user's home direction named .pile used to save your config.

Use it From everywhere

  1. Install the npm package globally :

    • From everywhere

      npm install --global pile-de-la-honte
    • Or from local a folder

      git clone git@github.com:CrunchyArtie/pile-de-la-honte-cli.git
      cd pile-de-la-honte
      npm install && npm run build && npm instal --global
  2. and execute it


To contribute

clone the repo locally and install dependencies

git clone git@github.com:CrunchyArtie/pile-de-la-honte-cli.git
cd pile-de-la-honte
npm install

hot reload compilation and execution

 npm run dev

You can also :

  • make a one time compilation :
    npm run build
  • make a hot reload compilation but no execution (tsc must be in your path):
    tsc -w  

make your changes and create a pull request ;-)

Keep in mind

Do not make request or anything else to directly call https://myludo.fr


  • Create a shared "Continue ?" question.
  • Automatize 'back' response questions.
  • Filter boardgames from BoardgameCollection class.
  • Standardize information display.
  • Create an initialization class to prevent common errors.
  • listen the args to override file config.
  • add argument while executing to avoid the creation of the .pile file.
  • add arguments to use the script bypassing the questions pattern.
  • export the main intelligence to be used in other cases than a CLI app
  • add tests, more comments and continuous integration


MIT © 2021 CrunchyArtie