0.1.4 • Published 8 years ago
pimatic-buienradar v0.1.4
Pimatic plugin that retrieves the local precipitation forecast for the Netherlands.
No API key required, uses: https://gps.buienradar.nl/getrr.php?lat=53.22&lon=6.57
Installation (Manual)
cd pimatic-app/node_modules
git clone https://github.com/philipkocanda/pimatic-buienradar
cd pimatic-buienradar
npm install
Plugin Configuration
Add the plugin to the plugin section:
"plugin": "buienradar",
"debug": false
Device Configuration
Then add the device with the location into the devices section:
"id": "buienradar-groningen",
"class": "BuienradarDevice",
"name": "Rain in Groningen (60 minute forecast)",
"latitude": "53.2193840",
"longitude": "6.5665020",
"minutes": 60
The maximum forecast is 115 minutes and is returned in mm/hour precipitation.
This makes the variable $buienradar-groningen.rain
available to you in Pimatic.