pimatic-raspbee v0.1.7
This plugin provides a raspbee interface for pimatic.
- Auto-discover devices, groups and sensors
- Control lights
- Control groups
- Control scenes
- Support for all sensors
- Observe changes over websocket
- Start pairing for new devices
- Backup the deconz config
You need a rasbpee or conbee device and the deCONZ REST API must be installed and configured.
An other good solution is to run deconz as a docker container.
=> go to the WIKI - there are installation instructions and other useful tips.
Just activate the plugin over the pimatic webUI. The plugin manager automatically installs the package with his dependencys.
You can also load the plugin by adding following in the config.json from your pimatic server:
"plugin": "raspbee",
"debug": true,
"active": true,
"ip": "<deconz ip>",
"port": "<deconz port>"
To create a connection to the raspbee gateway, the gateway must be unlocked over the deconz UI. check the unlock howto Then make a device discovery in pimatic.
Supported devices
pimatic Device type | Feature | Deconz Resource Type |
RaspBeeSwitch | switch on/off | On/Off plug-in unit & Smart plug |
RaspBeeDimmer | switch and dimm light | Dimmable light |
RaspBeeCT | change temperature | Color temperature light |
RaspBeeRGB | change color | Color light |
RaspBeeRGBCT | change color and temperature | Extended color light |
There are two color devices.
RaspBeeRGB (Color light
) emulates the ColorTemperature via a color code.
RaspBeeRGBCT (Extended color light
) supports native ColorTemperature actions.
All lights are detected automatically
Tradfri bulbs do not support hue/sat actions. therefore only RGB values can be set in the rules.
Deconz also does not allow you to adjust the color or brightness when the lamp is off. Use a delay in rules. First switch on the lamp and then set the values.
pimatic Device type | Feature | Deconz Resource Type |
RaspBeeDimmerGroup (DEPRECATED) | switch and dimm | Group |
RaspBeeRGBCTGroup (NEW) | change color and temperature | Group |
RaspBeeGroupScenes | switch scene on | Group Scenes |
I have created a new group device with all color controls.
All sensors are represented as a RaspBeeMultiDevice
The device has 3 arrays.
associated device IDs
This array contains all device ID associated to this object.support parameter flag
This array contains all supported ressource types.configMap
During a device discovery, the config map is filled automatically. Customizable values are stored in this config map. A custom config can be written to the API via the button (send config) on the new RaspBeeSystem device.
Supported resource types:
supports parameter flag | Unit | Deconz Resource Type |
battery | % | (any battery-powered sensor) |
lowbattery | bool | (any IAS Zone sensor) |
carbon | bool | ZHACarbonMonoxide |
switch | string | ZHASwitch |
fire | bool | ZHAFire |
humidity | % | ZHAHumidity |
temperature | °C | ZHATemperature and any sensor with temperaure support |
presence | bool | ZHAPresence |
dark | bool | ZHAPresence & ZHALightLevel |
lux | lux | ZHALightLevel |
daylight | bool | ZHALightLevel |
open | bool | ZHAOpenClose |
pressure | hPA | ZHAPressure |
water | bool | ZHAWater |
vibration | bool | ZHAVibration |
tampered | bool | (any IAS Zone sensor) |
consumption | Wh | ZHAConsumption |
power | W | ZHAPower & ZHAConsumption |
voltage | V | ZHAPower |
current | mA | ZHAPower |
The other sensor types are DEPRECATED
but still usable
- RaspBeeMotionSensor
- RaspBeeContactSensor
- RaspBeeLightSensor
- RaspBeeSwitchSensor
- RaspBeeWaterSensor
RaspBeeSystem management device
discover lights & discover sensors
This button starts a light or sensor detection from the deconz api.
create backup
This button creates a local backup of the deconz config.
The target folder is configurable. (default folder is the pimatic-app folder)
send config
This button sends for all devices all config parameter (configMap) to the deconz apikey.
"activate group scene -name-"
"set color temp -name- to -value-"
"set color rgb -name- to -hexvalue-"
"dim raspbee -name- to -value-"
set color temp Light1 to 10 and set color rgb Light2 to #121212 and activate group scene All-ON
Optional a -transtime- can be specified. This allows the changeover to be time-controlled.
dim raspbee Flur to 100 transition time 2s and set color rgb Light RGB to #FF0000 with transition time 2s
- "received from -name- event "2001""
Example: recieved from Switch1 event "2001"
Value | Action | |
0 | x000 | Initial Press |
1 | x001 | Hold |
2 | x002 | Release (after press) |
3 | x003 | Release (after hold) |
4 | x004 | Double press |
5 | x005 | Triple press |
6 | x006 | Quadruple press |
7 | x007 | Shake |
8 | x008 | Drop |
9 | x009 | Tilt |
10 | x010 | Many press |
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