1.0.5 • Published 4 years ago
pin-input-react v1.0.5
This package is in a very early stage, so any help can be usefull.
The pin-input-react
is a react component to be used when you want a pin component. This component is being develop to be very generic to attend many user cases as possible.
npm install --save pin-input-react
yarn add pin-input-react
A example of usage can be found here.
the component accepts 3 other component:
- pinComponent - required and is used as each pin value
- pinComponentOnFocus - is used when the pin position is focused
- pinComponentOnFill - is used when the pin position has a value
If you set showValues, make sure the pinComponentOnFocus
get his chield, because it will be used to insert the pinText. The same to pinText, which is used to show the pin values. Any questions, here show a implementation.
name | type | description | is required |
length | number | length of the input | yes |
direction | row or column | the direction of the pins | yes |
pinComponent | React.FC | A component for default pin | yes |
pinComponentOnFocus | React.FC | A component for when the pin is focused | no |
pinComponentOnFill | React.FC | A component for when the pin is filled | no |
onChangePin | Callback | Used for onChange from input | no |
ShowValues | boolean | If want to show the values when filled | no |
pinText | React.FC | Used to show values inside the pinComponentOnFill | no |
MIT © droderuan